"FredTJ Wrote:I did that when I got the unit
about 3 weeks ago, but noticed that I've had a fair amount of regrowth when I nipped everything
shorter and the gray is showing again.
I'm really toying with the idea of going shorter yet and the thinner sides may become a little less noticeable if I really buzz cut it.
That having said, I'm either going full cap or all of it off shortly (withing the next year, probably less).
Fred - that's the way to go. I opted to go for it one detttach; I was working under the conventional wisdowm that my sides needed to grow out. NOPE! I buzzed using a 3/8" sides & back. HUGE IMPROVEMENT!
Also, the DermMatch on the sides is all you need. A slight brushing of the Dark Brown & I've even stopped dying my real hair. It works in just enough, and my white temples are now dark salt & pepper, which goes great with my 20% Gray 1B, about 55% density.