danger!!89 Wrote:llekyam, i saw the video and dude the BS i've been going through with attachment and what not lol to watch you just do that makes me feel like im wasting my time with lace! Can i ask how long do your hair pieces last for? Do you remove everyday
Well I believe that PSB pieces last a little longer than lace, but I have always used my pieces longer than most people here, I get at least a year or more out of my pieces. And since this is a full cap I don't have to worry about color issues because I don't have to match anything. I take off and throw it next to my bed every night before I go to sleep but I have also slept with it on
no problem. But I Like sleeping without it better giving my scalp oxygen. Remember I just take it off in seconds, I have nothing to clean no glue nothing and when I wake up in the morning I go about my bussiness , If I want to wear it that day I just look around next to my bed I grab it and I put it on in line 5 seconds now. I don't even need a mirror.
I wash it every 2 to 3 days It stays good like that. Remember I also wlak outside and go out without my piece. I mean my neighbors see me with my piece on and off , and everybody I know. And we just moved here , so you can imagine the first time. Ohh you shaved your hair , why? No I just wear a piece let me show you, I run put it on and they can't believe it.
That is just me I don;t care,
When I was still like 16 or 17 I knew I would lose my hair, Because my father is bald, I told everyone I knew Yeah I might go bald, but you'll see by the time I'm 30 I'll have the best wig. I let everyone I know I was going to get one bak then and I don't hide it now.