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New To All Of This- My Story
07-10-2012, 09:27 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
I agree with Paul.I'm a young guy myself and I still had a lot of hair (NW3) but I wasn't happy about how my hair looked and how my receding temples were adding 10-15 years to my real age(I did manage to hide my thinning by using lots of thickening products and creative styling,but it was getting harder and harder.It was affecting my life and my confidence with women.

I finally decided that I don't wanna spend my youth worrying about my hair and being miserable and I don't wanna wait till my hairloss is obvious to others.Last month I made the transition and nobody noticed a thing not even my roomate of 2 years...Just compliments about my new hair style and how great my hair looks.Believe me the sooner the better.We only have one life and we ain't getting any younger.
07-11-2012, 04:07 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
Can't add any more that what has been written up but I certainly can relate to you and the photographs.
I'm NW3 with thinning and at present wearing two partial pieces. Although I'm still trying to establish a bond that I'm happy with, the actual wearing is fantastic and feel a lot better.
Started balding at about 20, it's been a slow process, bit by bit and now at 28, I decided to try this route and although I'm sure there will be downs along the way, the ride has been great and I feel so much happier with my old hairline and like a few have said I instantly look a lot younger than the grown out horseshoe.

For me it's about feeling the best you can and feel happy the way you look. I know a few guys who are in worse shape with their hair and they seem happy enough but we are all different and if it's getting you down, you should at least give this a go. If it doesn't work out, you can go back to concealers or the shaved route.

Like you I was caking the concealer on and it was beginning to look too obvious probably and also it was such a pain and worry. If someone touched your hair, if you popped your head up against a pillow, even going into certain places where the lighting was bright and people would notice something up and it's expensive too. Not going to rip into them as they helped me a lot but for me, they are ideal for a small thinning area and not if you are thinning all over or receding.

As for the transition period. - There are plenty of options to avoid being busted. You could even grow out your hair at the moment to a medium length option still using your concealers and then once you get the cut-in and the piece, you could cut it to a shorter style and I'd bet that everyone would just say 'nice hair cut'. You could also try growing in some facial stubble for a few weeks/months and then shave it off when you get your hair, again, I think most folk would notice the beard disappearing rather than the different hair.
You can order a thinner density, before slowing building up with the next order to a style/density you like.
You can also continue with the hats and caps and then gradually go out with the hair step by step.

All the best.
07-11-2012, 04:28 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
Thank you all SO MUCH for the comments. It's easy to forget that I'm not the only person who's been through this and your comments help make me feel better about all this!

I'm sick of worrying about my hair. I think balding is worse than being bald! For everyone who said that I should go for it now, you're absolutely right! I'm scared but also ready to do this. The low density idea is something that I've thought about, and makes sense.

I still have so many questions, so hope everyone doesn't mind me asking a few just now.

I've heard people mention that systems last anywhere from 3-6 months. I presume this depends on how you care for them and what lace you have?

Is there a list here of stylists to cut it in on here?

I have good sides so I would be after a topper. What I've wondered is, obviously the top wouldn't grow but the sides would, is it a case of getting a "trim" every 2-4 weeks on the sides?

Most of my hair loss is in the crown area. I know these systems come with crowns, is it possible to have the crown area looking thin?

Again, thanks so much guys. I'm repeating myself, but I'm nervous and excited, but your words are helping me along the way.
07-11-2012, 07:54 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
This is what I do.I trim my sides and back every 3-4 weeks using this philips


Another option (if you wanna grow your sides and back out) is to have a second piece with longer hair and switch to that when the time comes.Lastly it's possible to have the crown area looking thin with a custom order.Just put that in the special instructions box.
07-11-2012, 08:30 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
When you make a template, you mark where you want the crown area and the density you require in that area.
You can order varying densities for different areas on one piece.
07-11-2012, 09:00 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
b82.... you`re in Scotland and I know Liverpool might be a long way for you, but there`s a great system-stylist in Stockport....can let you have his details if you want them..... I know many wearers will travel fairly far distances in order to get a professional cut-in......afterwards, it`s a matter of de/re bonding at home and normal maintenance. I often travelled to Dublin for various hair-related reasons.....last time I just made a short break of it and stayed overnight....... it might be worth considering........ this particular man comes highly-recommended. Let me know if you want his number.
07-11-2012, 08:23 PM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
whitley bay, northeast england, 21+ years experiance,
lovely person aswell,
one lady salon, discreetly at the end of a quiet street,
will be closer if youre in scotland

let me know ill give you the number , cut in around £20,£30

anty Smile
07-12-2012, 09:34 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
I started losing my hair at 19, and by 24 joined "The Club" and wound up with the worst hairpiece (think Phil Spector) I've ever seen. That scared me off hairpieces a little, but I kept looking, determined not to be bald. Later that same year I finally found a better supplier, and got my first lace piece. I've been wearing ever since.

It's been over 20 years now since then, and looking back, all I have to say is I'm very glad I started wearing at that time and didn't put it off any longer. When I made the switch a few people noticed, but it was in a good way with comments like, "Oh, your hair looks so much better", or, "Like your new haircut!". A couple of friends of mine that were professional hairdressers were shocked when I told then I was wearing. That really boosted my confidence.

I'm so glad I didn't waste the best years of my life hiding under a hat, worrying about my hair, or wasting time & money on hair transplants, and that I just went ahead and took the plunge early on. There's really not much of a down-side at all to wearing, except learning all the maintenance procedures and figuring out what products will work the best with your body chemistry.

I've done about everything you can think of, even white water rafting, while wearing (thank you blue lace tape!). Once you get used to wearing, ordering hair, getting a cut-in, and buying the products you need, it all just blends right into your regular routine.
07-13-2012, 05:45 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
coudnt have put it better,
i detest doing a full de-bond clean up, something they dont mention in the glossy adds, lol
but its a mean to an end, and small price to pay for true happiness in the confidence of wearing,

cheers anty Smile
07-13-2012, 07:04 AM,
RE: New To All Of This- My Story
yeah,I loathe the de/re-bond day.It takes me a good 3 hours from start to finish and it's a bit tiresome,but it's still a small price for looking and feeling great.

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