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Cannot get a good bond, please help?
03-08-2011, 07:50 PM,
RE: Cannot get a good bond, please help?
Shaun..did you apply knot-sealer to the underside ? This will prevent knots becoming undone and hair falling out. Also, the glue is not all that messy as long as you de-bond regularly... just spray lace release through the hair onto the glue, allow it to penetrate for a minute or two and the partial will lift off easily..the vast majority of glue residue will be on the skin..simply clean off with remover fluid.....I must get hold of a citrus-based one as they are really `the kid`when it comes to removing glue... are you just using glue around the perimeter and tape in the `centre`? Sounds like you`re applying enough layers too as JRob suggested.....sounds like the tapes are somehow being affected.....let me know how all -glue goes for you ...cheers, Paul.
03-09-2011, 01:11 AM,
RE: Cannot get a good bond, please help?
hello as a longtime tape wearer and get this same problem from time to time i swear that the blue liner tape gets stale.try this order 1 small bag from different vendor and see what happens. one bad thing about tape and new wearers is that you will always lose more hair with removal from tape. try what paul said about sealer. i have never ever used any. i sweat more then anyone and have oil bad in my skin. i got scalp protecter and so many other stuff i never use. i hated that ultra hold stuff..strong shit..cannot be good for long term health imo. hairwearing is not easy ,but worth it to 99% of us. the better u get with tape and what works for you the longer the hair will last.
03-09-2011, 08:57 AM,
RE: Cannot get a good bond, please help?
I never used scalp protector, but I am assuming its like a liquid bandage. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think it has an antiperspirant in it. I think an antiperspirant would stop you from sweating a lot in that area, than u could put the scalp protector on etc.
03-09-2011, 09:54 AM,
RE: Cannot get a good bond, please help?
When I order tape, I always always order 2 batches. I ordered 2 small blue lace rolls and 1 contour shapes. So to limit any crappy batches I may get.
03-13-2011, 10:14 AM,
RE: Cannot get a good bond, please help?
I have a very similar problem, which I have partly solved. Try a few of these ideas, see if it helps.

1) Scalp must be uber-clean, try using Fairy Liquid (stuff you use for washing dishes) after shampoo, then shampoo again

2) An alternative to scalp protector, spray-on elastoplast is quite good

3) No glues stay long for me, but try Perfector Plus, I get a few days from that

Best of luck

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