12-15-2010, 04:11 AM,
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RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
12-15-2010, 06:21 AM,
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RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
If you're going to go with a light density anyway then you can make your template bigger if you want. but if you feel that your crown is in good shape then you should keep it
12-15-2010, 07:22 PM,
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RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
the crown looks bad i think, u think i could go past it a bit? and get a good blend with the bak area etc, im so confused atm lol, i a just wanna get it sent off and try this out
12-15-2010, 08:21 PM,
RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
I`d leave your crown alone...as I pointed out earlier, the hair changes direction there, so if you shave back beyond that point, you are going to have to specify different ventilation at that point and will also have the possibility of `` blending issues`` there ---keep it simple is my advice, especially as a new wearer, until you `find your feet``. It will be much simpler to keep your crown [ it looks just right in terms of density] and blend your own crown hair onto your system, rather than system hair onto your own hair at that point.... once your system is in place, if you feel that it`s not `right`there, you can always use a little concealer product just there at the crown point, to make it look a bit `fuller`...... Paul.
12-15-2010, 09:12 PM,
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RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
i know what u mean,but inperson it looks superthin, and the thinning goes past my crown at the left hand side, thts why i was thinking of going down a bit,so tht its all covered. and marking where the crown was, if u could see it in person, it looks totally thin, i thought id get way more opinions on the forum
12-16-2010, 01:30 AM,
RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
It`s really not usual to end up ``picture-perfect`` after your first/subsequent attachments..... none of us have a ``not a hair out-of-place`` look ..... trust me, you`ll be grand.....just order a lighter density at the back of your system where your natural hair [ crown] will meet it... graduate it to a slightly higher density as you move forward towards the front and sides and it should turn out fine, and give a nice natural look, By the way, I`m same height as you .. I never feel as if people are looking `down`onto my head ! :-) Paul.
12-16-2010, 06:43 PM,
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RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
thanx for the advice, ive looked at my hair again i shaved the top, the crown area is thin, would i be able to put the piece,just right in front of it,where the hair starts to go foward? if its low density around there and u can see scalp it will look more natural, what density do u recon for the bak, and then the front?
im gonna go for freestyle, not sure on straight or body wave. my original hair was wavy, just dying to get this template done and sent off lol
12-16-2010, 09:04 PM,
RE: help is needed :P (before photos)
In view of you being `conscious`of your light density at the crown, I`d specify 40% for the first half/three-quarter inch in from the perimeter and rise it up then to say 50 -55% as you head towards the front---you can write the density in marker on your template and draw a line to mark the actual area.....also draw small arrows to show in which direction you want the hair to be ventilated / lay in, unless you`re going for `freestyle`...that will lie in whatever direction you `train`it by brushing it after a short while...once it`s lying the way you like it, then apply knot-sealer to the underside [very sparingly] and that will `lock`the hair into that position. As for wave or straight.... you are wearing your hair short just now, so I assume you will be cutting the system to match that so therefore, any `wave` will be all but cut out really so I wonder is there any point in ordering it ? The wave would be more obvious if you were to wear your hair longer..... I suppose if you let your own hair grow longer and it would grow wavy as you said it was before, well then you could order a body-wave on the system hair.....