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Suction Wigs ??
07-02-2010, 05:26 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
The length of the hold varies from person to person. Generally, people are getting 2-3 days from it. The nice thing about G2BG is that it's easy to apply and easy to clean up. I've used it for a 2 day hold and I could have gone longer. I've never gone swimming with it so I can't speak to that. Another nice thing is that I saw G2BG in smaller travel size bottles--very handy when on the road. And it's been mentioned on here before that it's a great learning tool for 'newbies' as they get the hang of attaching and removing.
07-02-2010, 06:03 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
so can a poly skin base have an sfs front?
07-09-2010, 05:05 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
Hi Mender -- I have a poly perimeter from the Temple to Temple via the back of the head, and the rest of the unit is Swiss Lace. I just find the poly helps hold the shape of the piece so it`s easier for me to position is correctly, and I just use a few bits of tape here and there on it and some glue on the front [ lace ] part, but having poly on any part of a hairpiece renders it more detectable to the touch as opposed to an all -lace unit. I have to attach / detach frequently so I find the poly helpful in my circumstances --it`s not VERY heavy and it`s only about 15 millimeters wide --you can specify the width yourself. Regards, Paul.
07-09-2010, 07:09 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
thanks so much for your reply paul Smile do you put any tape or anything on the lace? and you mentioned that the polystrip is detectable to the touch and makes things easier, but is it also detectable visually? how long have your units lasted with these specs?
07-10-2010, 09:01 PM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
Hello again Mender --my apologies for the delay in getting back to you -- I had replied to another thread and couldn`t remember this one as I hadn`t ticked the box to be notified of new replies [ my Alzheimers is getting worse!! ] Now, down to business !
I`ll post a few pics so you can see the unit . I am wearing it since the start of February and it`s still in good condition. I would recommend not to get too much cut off the unit by your stylist for the first cut/styling ---leave a little bit `` extra`` on, as , with a little wear and settling in, you can decide to take a little more off or `tweak`it later --if you cut too much off at first, obviously it`s not going to grow back !
The poly is very thin too so it`s not all THAT obvious to the touch-- just a bit more than all -lace, but I have found that if I do a full bond using glue all the way around and right to the edge of the poly, it`s practically undetectable -- for my daily attachment, I only use glue on the front [lace ] part and 3 small strips of tape on the poly -- I have left the white backing - tape on for the photo so you can see it better. The beauty of the poly for me is that it helps give a little `rigidity`to the unit thus helping me to position it easily, and also, I can just peel the tape strips off easily without having to use any de -bonder products, and if I want a full perimeter bond, I can just apply glue to it with a little artists brush, while it`s in position on the head. For a full -perimeter bond, just position the piece, and glue the front hairline first. Lift up one side to expose the poly, and apply a layer of glue from the temple backwards maybe 2 inches and pat it down onto the skin. Do the same on the other side. All you have to do then, is sit at a table with a decent sized mirror in front of you -- lift up the non -glued bit at the back and fold it forward until you `meet`the glued section , then use a hand -held mirror and sit sideways-on, to the mirror on the table, hold the mirror so you can see the exposed poly, carefully apply glue to the poly, and then just fold it back down onto the scalp --- might sound very complicated but it`s not you become quite good at perfecting your own little ways of doing things after a while in this game-- it can be confusing to your eye to be working at the back of your head looking in a mirror, but you get so used to it after a while --- try it a few times with just a dry brush to get used to it. For my usual `light` bonding, I firstly apply my 3 strips of tape as shown, then position the piece on the head, I then tear off the backing tape at the nape , then one of the side ones, and then the third one, so the unit is practically fully adhered. Then I just fold back the front part, paint on my line of glue, wait a minute or two, and pat the lace down onto it ---- if you want a really firm hold at the front, just put on an extra layer of glue when the first has gone tacky. I detach nightly, so one layer is enough for me. To detach, I just do it in reverse -- at the nape, slip one finger up in between the unit and your scalp and gently prise them apart--- then catch the unit and fold it forward towards the front, gently lifting off the two other tapes --then still holding the unit with one hand, up off the scalp, just mist on some lace- release and allow it to run down the skin onto the glued part ---you can very gently work it onto the bond with your finger and in a few seconds your unit will come free from the glue --it`s really easy then to just clean the glue off the skin and there is hardly any stuck to the lace. Sorry for being so long -winded, but what I have described only takes a few minutes with practice --there is nothing to fear in doing your attachments/ detachments in reality --the main trick is to get the unit properly styled -in at the start, and not to over -do the shampooing or products ---- everyone has their own likes /dislikes and ways of doing things -- I use a spray on, leave -in conditioner once a week, very seldom wash the unit, but I mist it with water before brushing into shape--- I find too ,that if you place the unit on something round, or better yet, a mannequin head, overnight, and gently ruffle the hair with your fingers, then mist it with water and allow to dry naturally, it holds that `new`shape very well and looks really natural, just ready to be attached in the morning. I know not everyone can or wants to do a nightly detachment, so it`s best then to have a second unit `` ready to go`` ---Hope I haven`t bored the socks off everyone and best wishes to everyone on the forum... Paul.
I forgot to say that I deliberately didn`t clean off the residue of glue from the lace front, so you can see how little is stuck to it --most of it is on the forehead -skin. Also, my web -cam is not the greatest -- even though my own hair is thin, the camera makes it look like there is none at all in places, but in reality there is and it looks fine --- I am VERY fussy about wearing/ how it looks on the head and Toplace is THE place to get a great quality system. Apologies about the pic quality..... Paul.

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07-12-2010, 09:30 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
thanks for your reply paul Big Grin it will be very helpful indeed! Big Grin you mentioned that you dont shampoo too often. when you do, do you shampoo it in the shower or do you take it off and shampoo it in a bowl or something? what kind of shampoo do you use?
p.s. your hair looks great Smile
07-12-2010, 07:59 PM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
Hi again Mender, As I take the unit off nightly, I shampoo it in the sink --just a teaspoon of shampoo mixed into some lukewarm water---I just immerse it in that for a few minutes,lift it in and out a few times, then rinse it under running water, blot it dry on a towel and allow to dry naturally overnight, having gently brushed it into shape. The best shampoos are sulphate -free ones,I use Lòreal shampoo for coloured hair [it`s in a red bottle] I`m told Johnsons Baby shampoo is also gentle on the hair. Some other readers might comment here now on this :-- In the morning, I always apply a new thin layer of knot-sealer to the lace to help avoid profuse shedding -- I think some people don`t , while others do -I`d be interested to get opinions on whether it`s necessary after every wash. I know you have to apply it when your unit first arrives [ I did it after the cut -in ] Just apply it to a cotton pad and lightly coat the lace all over with it ---it`s very sticky and runny so be careful not to drench the unit or it will go through onto the hair and you`ll end up with sticky clumps of hair --just a light coating to seal the knots and prevent them becoming undone,and leading to shedding. Finally a little `Tip`I have found works for me ------ The unit I am wearing now [ I have a new one ordered] is 6 months old almost. I got it re -cut last friday [which is the pic in my post above] and thinned it a little more as my own hair has continued to thin out, although quite slowly, and I also trimmed in my own hair --- so in places,, the scalp is showing through until it grows a bit again ---- I use an eyebrow pencil to `colour`the skin to give the appearance that the hair is thicker --it works like magic!! It`s far better than those spray -on concealers and doesn`t destroy your pillow slips and towels etc. nor does it run down your neck if it rains on you ! In the pic, I hadn`t used the pencil and you can see , particularly near the ear, the scalp is showing through a bit [ the camera really amplifies it because it doesn`t show the very fine hairs but in reality it`s not as severe as it looks ] --- I just draw vertical lines on the scalp down through the hair and it really masks the show -through!
Hope that`s of help --regards, Paul.
07-13-2010, 01:27 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
French and Mender,
Do a search of this forum on 'g2bg.' You'll find lots of posts that will answer your questions about 'Got To Be Glued.'
07-13-2010, 07:45 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
I should clarify one thing in my last post --when I was referring to using knot -sealer, I should have said I only re -apply it after washing the hair and not daily. Paul.
07-15-2010, 10:27 AM,
RE: Suction Wigs ??
thanks again for your reply paul. how often do you shampoo it though?
thanks john! i will def check it out! Big Grin

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