i know todays been pretty hot in the northeast uk.
but i'v had a hell of a day,
started of with , ohh i'll do a simple touch up just a smidge at the right hand side front hairline.
did the routine,cleared of any glue with finger nail, and then with alchol,
did similar to skin, no trace of glue,
another application of alchol,
then leave to dry, speed up drying time with hairdryer on, cool, warm.
apply orwg,thin layer,as i always have,even per instructions on bottle "apply one thin coat"
allways worked before.
so i leave the adhesive in place for 15,18 mins, timed,im a stickler for timing it.
changes from white to clear,transparent.
just dry the lace a tadd more with hairdryer , just to dry off any alchol,
then lay down with handle of metal comb.the side still lifted almost straight away.
i tell you i did this 4 times.
and decided it wasnt worth going out, as i'd be travelling by bus, the windows are open airs rushing in, might lift more.
you know when its right because usualy the bonds rock solid,and when its less than you know youre in for trouble.
so spent today indoors on a lovely sunny day.
using a new bottle,of orwg,
maybee i'v strayed from my routine a tadd,or incorporated to much into it.
this is weird.never had probs for 8 months.
i know its june and the temps are up.
i'll keep perservering , interview tommorow with m&s lets hope i have a good hair day