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Did you tell your partner that you were wearing?
12-07-2009, 10:51 AM,
Re: Did you tell your partner that you were wearing?
Yea, it can be pretty stressful trying to tell someone that you wear. Especially your partner because you are afraid what they'll think and if they still want to be with you. I had thought about telling my girlfriend of over two years that I was gonna switch to a system because I was balding very fast. I was using Dermmatch and she knew about that and she knew that I was sensitive about my receding hairline and thinning crown, however she always said she couldn't tell, but that was because she never saw me without dermmatch when it got bad. I started asking questions as I started considering a hair system. I would randomly ask her "Would you still love me or care if I wore a hair system?" And she would say no and that she wouldn't love me any less. As the switch to a system was becoming more necessary I would send her pictures from this forum of how great they looked to get her opinion. I told her that I was going to get the system and she was very supportive. I have been wearing since August and she has been totally cool. She says that she always forgets that it is fake hair unless I mention my removal appointments. That just shows how awesome TL units are, especially cuz when I first got it she examined it pretty thoroughly and could not find anything. She was scared for me and how I would feel about it when it was attached, not what she would think. I often think about if I hadn't been dating her for so long before if she would have felt the same though. If you have a partner that likes you for who you are then you're set. I havent told anyone else and I think I would have gone crazy if I didn't have someone to vent my stresses about it to. Telling someone about it is the most relieving thing ever. Good luck man!

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Re: Did you tell your partner that you were wearing? - tokerjoker123 - 12-07-2009, 10:51 AM

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