I spent so long feeling miserable and sorry for myself.
The thought of wearing a wig depressed me even further.
I was so set against them.
But you're exactly right standbyme, that wasn't my opinion really.
I was just reflecting the opinion society had instilled in me.
It wasn't until I saw a hairpiece first hand and placed it on my head that I realised it was actually do-able and wouldn't look ridiculous, and in fact looked a thousand times better than when I had a bit more hair and used concealers.
Bamac is also concerned about the hassles of actual day-to-day wearing, but again until you try it for yourself and get the pay-off of looking and feeling better, you won't be able to get a true perspective of what the maintenance regime entails.
All I'm saying is, its got to be worth a try for anybody feeling their situation is hopeless.
And remember it was only a couple of hundred years ago that no fashionable man would think of leaving the house without his wig, rouge, white face powder, beauty spot, heals and stockings!