RE: Fullcap pics.
No -- shedding is caused by a few things, including dryness, but the length of the cut will have no bearing...... no it`s mainly the overall ` look` can be different once the initial ` newness` or ` bounce` in the hair dies down..... the ` join` where the system hair meets the growing hair can become more obvious as the hair ` retracts` slightly ...the back of mine there looks quite thick [dense] --that`s because of the ` spring` in the hair now as it`s so new..... soon it will look less dense and ` full` as the hair looses that liveliness ..... if I cut the bottom of the hair now, and / or thin it with a thinning scissors, it could very well look too short and thin in 3 or 4 weeks` time.... you`re always better to do a cut-in in 2 stages...the initial trip to the stylist, and then a follow-up one in around a week or ten days to allow it to settle down.