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Question to JRob
12-29-2008, 12:21 AM,
Re: Question to JRob
As for New Generation base and its durablity, i wear one for 4 months now and it sheds pretty much already. I wouldn't say that this base is too fragile.
12-29-2008, 08:38 AM,
Re: Question to JRob
Traco Wrote:I think skin full caps have their place. Mostly as emergency back ups and for quick fit and removal as you can wear them without tape or glue as they sort of mould themselves round your head. Good for going to the hairstylist to get another lace unit cut in. You just remove the skin unit when you're there without having to do any messy detachments. And of course there are no knots to worry about being seen.

Having worn a couple of skin full caps I am firmly of the view that the cons outweigh the pros. They're hot and make you sweat heaps; the injected hair lays flatter and, in my experience, falls out sooner; the edge never seems to completely disappear; they're noisy to touch; air bubbles can occur at the crown.

I haven't tried the latest very thin offerings and I'd be interested to see a review on their long term viability.

Im wearing a full cap and have tried.All Poly thinskin, finest Swiss lace and poly. I like the swiss lace front and sides but fraying is an issue but like the poly back starting under the crown because I can use scotch tape on the poly just behind the ears with the blue tape applied to it for easy and quick clean removal. I am going to go with a 64 top front and sides next order and poly back and over the ears next order and see where that goes. I hestate an all lace unit becasue the nape may not hold. I don't think the lace will stay on the tape at the nape of the neck.

But in my case, I wear the hair at 4" and I don't worry about the touch thing, Being older has its advantages when you don't have a peer group to follow in style and form and are married.The wife sees me with it and without it for days at a time. I have to say the thin skin poly front looks fine even exposed but the lace is slightly better and more pliable around the crown where poly can bubble.

The latest thinskin is fantastic on the front. Only those who are looking for it can find the edge. 99.99% of people are not looking for a hairpiece. In fact I point out hair piece I would think anyone would notice and people are surprised all the time. Even the wife who is hairpiece savvy.
12-29-2008, 10:19 AM,
Re: Question to JRob
Tom, why do you wear hair ?
12-31-2008, 05:41 PM,
Re: Question to JRob
Jonesy123 Wrote:Tom, why do you wear hair ?

I performed professionally as a Neil Diamond Tribute Act for 12 years. During that time I was losing hair and started wearing wigs for the shows only. If I never worked on a crusie ship I probably would not be wearing full time today.
On the cruise whip I decided it was best to wear all the time because it was the first time I actually LIVED with the audience. I did not want the audience musing "hey thats the bald guy we met yesterday and concentrate on the hair rather then the show. The contractors preferred us to be available as a "value added for the passengers as well even though we only worked one night on a week long cruise. So I began wearing full time glad handing with the passengers taking photos etc and never stopped because it was easy and cheap and I got used to the look and more importantly,. I realized I was a walking advertisement for what I do as well with the hair so I kept wearing it.

But I am not obsessed with being outed nor even with perfection. I found out most people have no clue and are not looking for hairpieces and cannot even spot any but the very worst ones. Only those who wear actually LOOK for hairpieces on others. Even those who know forget IM wearing.

So if or when the subject o hair comes up with a stranger I proudly tell them I wear and enjoy watching their expression. They are always surprised and in some ways I think I actually contribute to taking the "stigma" and :"shame" away from wearing. I also did not want to trade one anxiety for another. If I had not performed professionally all those years I probably would not be wearing today. I would have balded naturally slowly and been like every other guy who faces everyday perfectly fine with a bald head. For me to do that now would be like a totally bald guy showing up for work with a wig on. I would rather just wear until I retire from the public arena on and off the stage. My neighbor is still amazed at how good it looks.

That said everyonea around me pretty much knows I wear. They agree I look better with it, and are suprised at how real it does look. They forget Im wearing and it never comes up except when I make a joke about it. My wife likes it better, but doesn't run away when I go without it. LOL

I ride a motorcycle most days and when I wear the helmet it can get messed up pretty quickly so Sometimes I go without it. Definitely don;t wear to the beach. I work in music sales now and presentation is important so I wear it to the store. I still do some jobs now and then so it works for me.

[Image: b4.jpg]
[Image: FH000022_1.jpg] BEach LOL
[Image: SHVAmericeclosejkt003.jpg][Image: Promo.jpg]
I shaved this off and went with a full cap......Tired of matching grey and coloring......
[Image: DSCN0272.jpg]
12-31-2008, 08:26 PM,
Re: Question to JRob
Thanks for your answer Tom.

I really admire your spirit and calmness regarding the wig. Too bad I can't really relate to anything you wrote. Once you're married wearing becomes easier since you don't have to hide anything from your partner (which is the toughest thing). Once you're older wearing becomes even easier (as you said). I think that if you were young and single, you simply wouldn't wear, definitely not from the reason of making you more attractive with the ladies, the challenge is much much bigger (dealing with making the wig look perfectly undetectable, dealing with the paranoia that people will know, dealing with the "when to tell your girlfriend" issue, dealing with the fact that you can never be seen in public without it... you never faced any of these challenges, but these are the ones I have to face).
01-01-2009, 09:00 AM,
Re: Question to JRob
Jonesy brings up a good point.

The younger, more superficial crowd is going to be less accepting and more judgmental of fake hair. Right or wrong, that's how it is.

When you get a little older, your peer group changes. Although I still hang out with a lot of people in their 20's, if you're a little older you get a little more respect that allows you to wear with more confidence. To be honest, I would probably be less inclined to be forthcoming if I were in my 20's.

The good news is that it will get easier as you get older!
01-01-2009, 12:12 PM,
Re: Question to JRob
Jonesy123 Wrote:Thanks for your answer Tom.

I really admire your spirit and calmness regarding the wig. Too bad I can't really relate to anything you wrote. Once you're married wearing becomes easier since you don't have to hide anything from your partner (which is the toughest thing). Once you're older wearing becomes even easier (as you said). I think that if you were young and single, you simply wouldn't wear, definitely not from the reason of making you more attractive with the ladies, the challenge is much much bigger (dealing with making the wig look perfectly undetectable, dealing with the paranoia that people will know, dealing with the "when to tell your girlfriend" issue, dealing with the fact that you can never be seen in public without it... you never faced any of these challenges, but these are the ones I have to face).
YEah I did not wear when I was younger and balding. I understand the anxiety gap with the younger peer group. No way would I have worn a wig in my 20's and 30's. I definitely chose the anxiety of bald over the fear of ridicule. It was not until I GOT PAID to wear I started to wear. I started to wear full time out of necessity for the job and decided I preferred my look as well as my wife with the hair that I became comfortable wearing in and not terribly secret about it.

If more people were comfortable enough to claim they are wearing AND it looks great the stigma would definitely disappear like breast implants have on women. I have a different outlook because people already knew I was bald and already knew I wore and WHY I wore. I just kept wearing, I don;t think I look any more ridiculous to someone who knows then the guy who wears long hair in a pony tail with a bald top at a guy who chooses to wear his hair long and is balding. If you want longer hair FILL IN THE GAPS and be proud of it.

This is such a personal thing and for some baldness is extremely traumatic . For others mildly so and stil for other they would rather have hair but don;t really car enough to wear someone elses or deal with it, For still others they just shave and THEY are the most free in my opinion. Imagine a bathroom without a single hair care product...not worrying about wind, glue, drying and styling out of the shower. Vacationing,swimming, motorcycles, roller coasters, knots, color matching someone feeling it or worse. Damm Im talking myself into just going without it..........Actually for me its the opposite. People KNOW Im shaven but many have never seen it. Im building up the courage to release the "bond" :lol:

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