(05-15-2010, 02:20 PM)ToplaceUSA Wrote: Leaving the unit on till the tape/glue accumulates might be a sign that you're leaving it on too long. I like to change the tape/glue while it's still firm and not 'gooey.' It makes it easier to get a clean removal. But mcnash has brought up a good point about the citrus based cleaner. That's another good item to have in your 'tool kit.' I use De-Sovle-It for an extra cleaning tool. You can get it in the home products sections of many stores. I get mine at Wal-Mart.
John, exactly. I tended to leave tape on too long, causing build-up. Four weeks is too long an attachment. But I found even one week with supertape, some adhesive will seep through the lace over time. I use G2BG now, so I don't have that problem. Citrus solvent is gentle, but slow in comparison with alcohol and perhaps De-Solve-It. Most wearers are probably like me in that they want to spend as little time as possible in clean-up. The quicker the better.