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advice really needed (badly) - pics
11-29-2012, 03:46 PM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
I agree.
And I know, re the guys you mention that 'roll with the hairloss' and take it in their stride, if a pill were invented tomorrow that brought your hair back, 99% of them would take it!
11-29-2012, 03:58 PM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
Everyone is different.. Some guys go bald and don't give two shits.. Some care a lot. Some are ok rocking a shaved head, some can't pull it off. Some care if the world knows they wear a hair systems others want it a secret.. Some girls will judge you being bald if you don't carry yourself well with it, or it doesn't look good on you.. Others might not care. Some love guys with shaved heads.. The only real thing that matters is what makes you happy or makes you feel more complete or comfortable.

and ps.. its not about losing my hair that bothers me at my age right now. Its that I look like crap without hair. reason being not everyone can rock a bald head. And whats the alternative? Bozo the clown look. And you know what some guys can get away with that too.. but if you have an odd shaped head like me and the post above.. Its hard to not care or rock baldness. Some people hair changes how they look a lot. and that is a good enough reason by itself.
11-30-2012, 12:00 AM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
Yeah that's just it. If I looked even just OK without hair it wouldn't be a problem but I don't. One of my best mates Katy basically used to fancy me but said she can't anymore and she loves me to bits and I know she would like to still find me attractive.

I think this forum is a godsend cos it gives us a place where we can discuss our experiences wiht people who relate and are informed.

I don't think I'll ever feel 100% about wearing. This is a big thing for me to do this, quite honestly I don't like the "idea" of wearing hair at all but I am praying it buys me the time until a cure is found. Surely to christ they will figure out a way to stop it soon.

BTW the frontal I have ordered is medium density. I wanted it to be a bit thinner so it didn't look too obvious but the stylist said OK but she felt my natural hair was heavy density. Do you think that this will look natural having a thinner density right at the front. Would that be a natural blend do you reckon?

11-30-2012, 10:44 AM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
I have the same condition, my forehead is really large and flat. When I first started wearing my pieces were good, but there was always something a bit off. So I wore a hat most of the time. Then I found the old BA forum, and saw a post from X about temple points. It has been a game changer for me. With the addition of temple points I was able to create a more realistic hairline, and the rest as they say has been history. Many thanks to X and everyone else who posts useful tips and info. on these forums. If it wasn't for my fellow hair wearers, I'd still be sporting a hat.
11-30-2012, 11:28 AM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
do you think my temple point are sufficient as they are or do you think I need to add some with the peice?

Also, any advice on which tapes, glue etc to buy?

Cheers I will do my own research, it's just handy to be pointed in the right direction
11-30-2012, 01:47 PM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
They look fine for now, you can always add them on the next piece. I use walker no shine tape tape for my piece. Everyone's body chemistry is different. I have really dry skin, and walker works very well for me.
12-03-2012, 01:06 PM,
RE: advice really needed (badly) - pics
should I let her just fit the partial and cut away some of my hair like she thinks she has to. Or should I trim it down and fit it myself to the edge of my hair line and risk ballsing it up?

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