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RE: New White Glue (pic) - Hersute - 11-26-2012

At the front I've always had to use at least 2 layers of ORWG, sometimes 3-4 if the weather is hot and/or I'm sweating. Even then I get a max of 5 days bond along the hairline.
Everywhere else the ORWG last about 10 days to 2 weeks.

I have tried putting a tiny smear of ORWG on to the lace but the problem is thats its quite thick stuff and its very easy to get 'globs' of it on the lace that stay white and never seem to go clear.
But if you can use it thinly on the lace, then yes it works and it will stick to the skin.
But I think ORWG works best when applied to the scalp.

Because the eyelash glue is thin & runny, its easier to do a fine layer over the lace.
Its a violet/blue/white and you know when its ready to be pressed down because it turns clear.
I did one general layer on the skin and smeared a bit on the front lace directly.
Surprisingly, 1 layer on the skin seemed enough and the lace disappeared.

I wouldn't want to do a full head bond by applying it to the lace only. But for the front perimeter, it seems to work very well.

I should point out & as I've said before, the only glue thats ever worked ok for me is the ORWG.
I must be extremely oily and sweaty!?!
So for me, the eyelash glue is a real find.

Other people are going to have different (probably better) results to me regarding how durable it is.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - fullcapwearer - 11-26-2012

ok that sounds good, and woudl you use Got2BGlued Hair Spiking glue for the full bond, and use EYELASH for the front line.

What's your thoughts on the Got2BGlued Cement and freezing spray.

also I don't see why you'd need more than 3 days hold due, as when you wash the hair you remove it and soak it in a basin of shampoo and warm water.

so with that said I don't need more than 3 days anyway. I was Monday morning and Thursday night. that's 3 full days apart.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - Hersute - 11-26-2012

Never used Got2BGlued.

I like a strong hold for as long as possible.
Plus I sweat SO much I imagine it would be diluted in seconds.

I wash my hair about twice in a 10 day period with it on my head and then do a rebond at the end of 10 days.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - Xeon005 - 11-26-2012

Id love to hear more about your clean up method. ORWG cleans up from skin very easily on me.. But on lace sometimes you have to do the mirror slide etc.. When you use autoglym. Do you just put it on the perimeter and it totally dissolves.. or do you soak it still for 20 mins or so. Any mirror slide required?

RE: New White Glue (pic) - Hersute - 11-26-2012

No mirror slide.

I just soak it, rinse it, sometimes soak it again, rinse and wash.

Thats pretty much it.

But I should mention that I always leave my detach to the last possible moment, when the glue has started to break down and get in to the hair & lace.

So the soaking is just the easiest way to clean everything in one go.

On another forum, someone has cleverly looked at a women's beauty forum and found out that DUO Eyelash glue is the most recommended.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - fullcapwearer - 11-26-2012

should I buy DUO Eyelash glue over Eyelene's product?

RE: New White Glue (pic) - Hersute - 11-26-2012

Ha! fullcapwearer,
I'm not here to say what you (or anyone else) should or shouldn't do, or what is right and what is wrong.
Especially as I've only tried one brand for one brief reattachment.

All I can do is give out the experience and information that I have and after that, people have to make their own decisions based upon their needs, requirements, lifestyles etc.

Attachment methods are notoriously individual.

All I can say is that if I decide to go ahead with using eyelash glue, I will certainly be giving DUO a try.
If others have tried several brands and are saying that DUO holds the longest, then that narrows down the choices for me and seems a good starting point.

The real benefit for me will be being able to buy something that I don't have to order, pay P&P for and worry that it will go 'off' in transit, because it got too cold.
So my criteria will be what works for me and is readily available in the UK.

You might have different priorities.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - fullcapwearer - 11-26-2012

well what do they say on the forum about DUO over the other products, do they say it lasts longer or has stronger hold etc.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - Hersute - 11-26-2012

Hey, is it not enough that I tried a new product, posted about it, did an update on it, posted about the clean-up, promised further updates on a full bond and passed on some other info that another forum user posted?
Now I'm being asked to post product reviews from other sites, about brands I've not used too?

Its just a suggestion, but why not do some research yourself?
You might spot something I've missed.
If we spread the information gathering amongst us all, then its not like one person is doing all the work for everybody else.

Sorry to be snipey, but its 2am in the UK and I'm still working.
I do what I can for the forum, but I can't be someone's personal shopper/adviser.

I expressly said that it was another person who found the review of DUO, not me.
I was just passing that info on. I didn't expect to have to back it up.
Its a glue............. for sticking eyelashes on................. I would imagine a positive review would mean that it does that job fact better than other brands.......... better would most likely mean stronger & longer...........what else could it mean?

What more would you really need to know?

You can either be like me and just accept what they are saying or if you want to know more, do some research.

RE: New White Glue (pic) - fullcapwearer - 11-26-2012

im heading into town later today, I am from UK to.

I will buy both DUO and Eyelene, see how each one goes.

I will try to find it in claires accesories, boots, tesco metro etc.