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anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
01-21-2012, 02:59 PM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
(01-21-2012, 02:31 PM)elvis Wrote: can someon post a link to an amazon or whatever for the exact pm waxworks to get. im curious now. i might buy it lol.. maybe get me some brylcream too. paul can i get brylcream anywhere? do i just ask for brylcream? or a specific type or name?

google paul mitchell wax works. Welcome to the interwebs.
01-21-2012, 03:47 PM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
(01-21-2012, 02:59 PM)ibetalot Wrote:
(01-21-2012, 02:31 PM)elvis Wrote: can someon post a link to an amazon or whatever for the exact pm waxworks to get. im curious now. i might buy it lol.. maybe get me some brylcream too. paul can i get brylcream anywhere? do i just ask for brylcream? or a specific type or name?

google paul mitchell wax works. Welcome to the interwebs.

yes, many different gels and waxes made by paul mitchel pop up. can someone who has the one everyone is talking about post a link to the exact product via amazon or watever. so i know how the bottle tub or watever looks
01-21-2012, 03:56 PM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
(01-21-2012, 02:31 PM)elvis Wrote: can someon post a link to an amazon or whatever for the exact pm waxworks to get. im curious now. i might buy it lol.. maybe get me some brylcream too. paul can i get brylcream anywhere? do i just ask for brylcream? or a specific type or name?

Oh Pleeeeeezzzzzzzzz!
A link to buy Brylcreem?
Come -on guys!
Use some initiative!
Its been sold for DECADES and its available ANYWHERE!
Thats the ironic thing about it.
Its one of the cheapest & most easily found products on the market.
LOOK: http://amzn.to/wngFTz

But seriously, there are only a handful of us who regularly respond to posts.
Paul is dedicated to it, but even he must get tired of repeating himself over & over again.
I know its easier to just ask someone rather than make an effort yourself, but by pushing it to this extent, you're going to find less & less people willing to be helpful.

Even if you'd posted saying you've found several Brylcreem products and wanted clarity on exactly which one, it would have demonstrated SOME effort!
01-21-2012, 04:14 PM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
Agreed, Brylcreem is one product that has been around for decades, available at any supermarket or pharmacy forever, but the Paul Mitchell waxworks is in different bottles, caps so if Xeon can shed light on which one he uses would be a help.
Paul- I only wash the piece once a week, using the Loreal shampoo, yes I still go to Didi for my de/rebonds presently every 2 weeks or so, she also noticing the piece getting dry, like you and her have stated a lot of different factors involved such as donor hair, quality, etc, I have been using both the Enhance and Nexus on dry hair in the afternoons and evenings. I see from the response you guys use the leave ins on damp hair and will try that instead of spritzing on dry hair and if there is a difference.
01-21-2012, 08:51 PM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
Eric..that`s where you were `going wrong`---not sure about the other conditioner you used but Enhance is best applied onto damp hair....I kind of `back-brush`the hair gently so it`s not lying down--same from the back of the system..`back brush`it so it`s standing up....making it stand up a bit `opens up`the hair so the product won`t be just lying `on top`of the hair....spritz with water ...don`t soak it totally..just nicely moist all over and then a generous amount of `Enhance`... then kind of `mess` the hair about with your finger tips.... just to train it back into your style... allow to dry naturally. I find with systems, sometimes you can get a bit of an `artificial/wiggy` look by brushing or combing into too much of a `straight line` look .... hair that`s been ruffled-up a bit can give a really natural/nice overall look. I`ve tried quite a few conditioners, and so far that one has given me best results....as for Brylcreem etc. ...the trick with pomades is don`t over-do it.....they can build-up and leave the hair looking `tired` again....bit like a grease-ball. Certainly it`s as old as the hills, as they say, and VERY cheap....again, as Didi was saying too, the texture/quality of the donor hair HAS to have a bearing on the finished `product` , and I think it`s something we wearers will always be `vulnerable`to...no matter what supplier you buy from, there will always be that `variable`factor in there and some systems will behave differently at times, to the previous one/s. I`m using a serum this week on a system which I`ve been wearing since last June....it`s still in really good condition overall, but even with `Enhance` I can feel a bit of dryness/coarseness at times...but that`s fine.... I `m not complaining at all....that`s still really good going for a system 8 months old approx. and I know I can `nurse`it along for another while..the first Fullcap which is even older , is actually in even better condition !! So it can vary from one system to the next....let me know how your hair feels after ---when you next shampoo, and the hair has had all styling products removed, just use the Enhance daily [or even twice daily if you feel it needs it--but most likely it won`t] ..spritz with bottled-water...... don`t use any other styling products for the week and see how you get on... I reckon with just that alone, you`ll have no need to shampoo the system at the end of the weeks......mine is `lucky`if it sees shampoo once a month !! I feel shampooing is a major culprit in negative -effects on systems..if the PH-value is too high , it will cause problems.... I use a system-specific shampoo & conditioner [Remysoft]..it`s pricey, but I reckon it `lasts`because I don`t need to use it frequently, and just that Enhance conditioner daily ...eventually, as the system ages, it will obviously deteriorate from it`s original condition inevitably, and it`s then that I use Serum ..... the `Bluemax`one is good too and can be used in between shampooings. It`s a balancing act really... system hair is not `dirty`as such....I think guys over-do the shampoo......I guess because maybe they used to have `oily`hair and still have this idea that the system will need almost as frequent `cleaning`..the opposite is the case.....it needs protection from dryness as it gets no oils or moisture, so you`re basically doing a preservation job from day one. Things like pomades can be really helpful, but a little goes a long way..... you`ll defeat your purpose by using too much--that`s when the cycle of frequent washings begins..... the only thing I`m `generous`with is that Enhance conditioner......it`s a liquid with the consistency of water [not a bit `sticky`] it has a sunscreen too, and not a bit of build-up....you can simply spritz water onto it later in the day to `freshen`your hair, or next morning before you go out....add a bit more [Enhance]then and you`re good to go...it`s very simple to deal with.
01-22-2012, 12:07 AM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
Paul, thanks for the tips, as always great advice! I do really like the Enhance not only price wise, but does smell good as well. Will definitely try on damp hair and let you know how I make out with dryness. As far as product I have really only been using the Brylcreem and occasionally I use a combo of Redkin paste and American Crew pomade when I want a spikey front or faux hawk look. One other question I have though is after a few days of using product, how do you guys remove if you don't shampoo? Do you just rinse the hair with plain water and do you rinse daily? Another not too serious problem I'm running into is after just rinsing in shower, the hair is starting to get kind of "fly away" if you know what I mean. It is a must for product to tame it down. When I first got the hair I was able to comb or brush without any product, not possible any longer so after a few days to a week it gets all matted and dry feeling and that's when I will usually shampoo it. When I shower I have not even been rinsing it daily, usually dunk head every 2 or 3 days so product tends to build up which I'm sure is also leading to the drying out of the hair.
01-22-2012, 12:37 AM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?

A once-a-week shampoo is just about right. Less is better.
You could try a shampoo for fine & fly-a-way hair.
That should give it an extra coating to make it more manageable & protect it from drying.
As I said in another thread, you might want to consider a deep cleansing shampoo thats clarifying to remove product build up, once a month or at detachment time.

I know what you mean by wanting to rinse it in between shampoos.
Some leave-in conditioners build up really quickly and can make the hair 'crunchy'.

I usually give my hair a good rinse in the shower when that happens or better still, dampen it well with a water sprayer/spritzer and comb it through with a fine tooth comb.
I use a 'nit comb' (pic attached) and this really gets to the individual hairs and combs off the product. Its also great if you accidentally get a bit of glue stuck in the hair. A bit of solvent and a comb through with this stops the hair forming a clump.

Once again I'm going to recommend the Tigi conditioner I've mentioned before.
If I do soak my hair under the shower, I often use a dabs of it whilst the hair is damp and you can immediately feel the difference in the texture of the hair.
Combs & brushes glide through the hair after applying it.

Hope this isn't information overload!?!

Best of luck.

Attached Files Image(s)
01-22-2012, 12:45 AM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
I`m really not a fan of such things as `pastes` etc... I know guys love them and they really are necessary to pull off certain styles, but it`s back to build-up/shampooing and that `cycle`.
If using them, you`ll have to shampoo them out and often `milder` shampoo formulated for system hair, won`t be strong enough [no sulfates] to take it all out....the `fly-away` thing you describe, can be tamed down a bit with a serum..... just try out my original suggestion, in the last post, and see how the `overall` picture is after a week.....I know many guys will say just `lash-on`the styling -products, but I honestly found that there is a downside to using them too....what you `gain`early-on in terms of styling , can have longer-term negative effects and lead to binning your system earlier..just my 2-cents worth..... it`s what works for me anyway.....you`ve gone one way so far----try it my way for a week or two and see...you can really `compare`then....cheers Eric.
01-22-2012, 04:44 AM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
(01-21-2012, 03:16 AM)Hersute Wrote:
(01-21-2012, 03:01 AM)Hairenough Wrote: Try Brylcreem, it's working great for me!

Hersute - I saw you mention that conditioner in another thread and I'm itching to get trying it! It's hard to find in Canada though, as are most things, sigh. It sounds great!


This site says they offer free shipping to Canada:

Thanks Hersute!
01-22-2012, 05:56 AM,
RE: anyone got any advice on how to keep hair soft and not so dry?
Thanks guys, love reading your tips and tricks. Hersute, will definetly give the Tigi conditioner a try. The fun thing about having a full head of hair again is getting to try all the different hair products on the market! I have only had to buy shampoo, didn't even need a brush or comb for the last 15 years so enjoying the different products out there. My next major hurdle is gonna be trying my own de/rebonds, but that I'm sure will come in time. Other than that I'm loving the wearing game, haven't encountered too many major obstacles besides some early mistakes like ripping the lace a bit, did that with a comb so prefer brushes, fortunately my stylist was able to sew it for me. Again thanks Paul and Hersute!

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