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full cap question for jrob
04-29-2009, 05:10 AM,
full cap question for jrob
Hey Jrob youve been very helpful to me answering all my full cal questions. I was just wondering if you have any pics of forward ventilation in a full cap. The reason I ask is I am not sure if forward ventilation applys to the whole unit or just the top hair. I would like the top hair to flow forward but the side and back hair to lie down like normal hair. How would I go about this ? any suggestions would be great.
04-29-2009, 08:40 AM,
Re: full cap question for jrob
All of my pics are of forward ventilation.

I was discussing this with John recently, the fact that I think the factories might not be taking into account that these full caps are for men and that they need to put as much finesse into the temples and sides as they do the hairlines.

Most of these units have been ventilated forward and down in the temple point areas. What I would recommend doing is marking on your template EXACTLY the way you want the hair to lay, and send a picture of the style you are looking to emulate.

On my next order I am going to do exactly that. I am also going to order all blonde hair and color the unit to ensure invisible knots and "healthier" hair. My only issue is that I probably have two years worth of hair stocked up at this point since they are lasting so long for me....
04-29-2009, 09:06 AM,
Re: full cap question for jrob
JRob Wrote:Most of these units have been ventilated forward and down in the temple point areas.

In my experience they're doing that for ALL orders, even if you specify flatback, etc... as you go closer to the temple area the hair is vented forward and down. You can often see it in different people's pics on here, too. Unfortunately, it looks quite unnatural if you don't intend to comb forward. It has been commented on here before, but never seems to change.

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