I do the same thing,,,I cut the hairline back every year or so....
Don;t be afraid to LOOK like you are receding. 4 0f 5 men are or will recede. Only 1 in five keep all their hair and they look like wigs when they are 50..LOL
The LESS perfect your hair and airline is the less the subject will come up and the less people will believe you are wearing a wig if and when you tell them
My hair always looks like I am on the way to the barber rather than just coming back from the stylist. One thing about getting older I have come to realize. Wearing ahir is far less a stigma to others. They simply don;t care. And we don;t have to keep up with "youthful" styles. In that we can get away with wearing the hair longer.
Enjoy it and don't seek perfection.
I'm the one with the full cap on the left