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Red tones in brand new system
09-27-2014, 09:05 AM,
RE: Red tones in brand new system
Most hair has those red tones / develops them over time from washing etc...... the hair is stripped of it`s original colour to one degree or other, before being coloured to your own hair-shade....you`ll get those ` brassy` tones, especially under strong sunlight...if used from the outset, the ` Back2Natural` will mask those red tones --it won`t ` maintain` red....having said that, I have used it in the past .... as time progressed, I found it to be less effective ...... I use Wella Koleston Perfect mixed with Creme Peroxide ... your hair-colour sounds the same as mine... you can buy hair ` dyes` in various places --a lot of them have ammonia in them....remember that system hair ` takes` colour very rapidly and deeply compared to growing-hair [because it`s been processed] --- if you choose to order these products online, be aware of the following : The general wisdom, is to use Creme Peroxide 6% ..... I have never found it any use for what I wanted.... it took ages for the colour to ` develop` and then the hair didn`t go as deep as shade as I wanted --- I use this one [12%] http://www.amazon.com/Wella-Koleston-Per...xide+12%25 and you need this :
I cannot give you any ` guarantees` --you need to proceed carefully and cautiously. Only mix a a small amount and apply it to a [relatively ]small area of hair.... do NOT leave it in for more than about 3 minutes, otherwise it`ll go too deep /black .
You squeeze out , say, a one -inch length of the tube-contents in a glass bowl or even an old breakfast-cereal bowl........ next, pour out approximately an equal -length [or slightly longer] of the Creme Peroxide [` Developer`] from the bottle. Mix both together so you form a smooth paste with no lumps in it---a dinner fork is ideal for this......you use a plastic comb which has teeth close together to apply the mixture to pre-shampooed /rinsed hair which is still damp..... apply it while it`s still a cream colour ---it will develop quickly into black once on /in the hair.......keep it off the lace or it will stain it.....just mix a small amount , ` treat` a small area of hair, then rinse it out no longer than 3 minutes after application .....this should zap your red tones for you.... try to get most of your material onto the spine of the comb and put the comb ` flat` against the hair, then draw it towards yourself with the teeth more ` into` the hair ..this will help spread it onto the hairs....you need to draw the comb-teeth out to the tips of the hairs rather than ` down` the hair towards the lace....use rubber gloves to protect your skin too. You just need to watch your ` time` carefully...... just go softly-softly [slowly] and you should be fine.After one or two shampooings, it`ll begin to lighten a bit anyway, and you`ll see the brownish shades becoming more apparent again under certain lighting ....it`s vital not to leave it on too long or it`ll go jet-black.....you could apply a little to your own hair too where it meets the system hair to help ` soften` any apparent colour -differences..... you`d have to leave it on your [damp] growing hair for 15 -20 minutes to get the same shade as would be obvious after only 3 minutes on the system-hair. You can buy them on ` Amazon`.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Red tones in brand new system - Paul In Ireland - 09-27-2014, 09:05 AM
RE: Red tones in brand new system - jaycee - 10-12-2014, 04:55 PM

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