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Looking for advice on my first hair system-pics
05-20-2013, 07:30 AM,
RE: Looking for advice on my first hair system
All the best to you.

I'm 30 and wearing 2 partials at the moment, but I will at somepoint move over to a full system.

I know how you feel being young and losing it. I've slowly been losing it for years, gradually receding further and further, right now I'm about a NW4 but use two temple pieces as a filler, I've got the start of a bald spot at the back but it's very small so I've not yet converted to a full piece but certainly will.

I can relate to the cap wearing, but if anything it draws more attention to you if you continue to wear it 24/7 and looks strange at a dinner table and although we feel its solving the problem, evryone else is wondering why is he wearing it all the time and what's under it? It does the exact opposite of hiding your issues.

I tried different things through different stages of hair loss too. First started growing in the fringe/bangs so I could over the frontal areas - that worked well until I began to recede further then it was a high and tight type cut where I cut the hair shorter at the sides and longer on top to give the illusion of having more hair than I do, again worked fine for a bit until I began thinning somewhat too. Topped up the toppik for that and then got to a stage like Anty where I was putting far too much on.

Decided to shave the head after that for a while, and it looked fine enough in the summer and was reasonably ok with it for a while yet roll on winter and a pale dome didn't look too great. I didn't get too much abuse and even a few folk said I suited it or looked fine but I missed hair and wanted it back. If I had a NW1 perfect hairline, I'd maybe shave my head once every few years just for a different look, but being tied to the same style at 28 was a bit depressing for me.

Then opted to grow in a mohawk type thing which was fine for a while, but I was getting older and though it looked stupid having it for a long period and especially in my late 20s. Grew my hair back in again just to see what stage I was at with baldness and then went for the 2 partials as I realised I had a fair amount of coverage just receding fast.

Wearing hair is fantastic and I feel good again. I was depressed for a while about my hair just seeing how much it aged me and sure some folk might say it is vain, but I hate the double standards we have, if it was a woman people would be encouraging them to get the botox, nose job, a wig even if they were losing their hair, yet why are men not allowed to wear a wig? Also, have you ever noticed its always people with good hair who say "If I was... I'd shave it'' etc Wink Sure, let's see what happens then if that day arrives.

There are issues with hair though. Sometimes the tape doesn't connect right. The clean up can be a pain at times and it won't be completely plain sailing whilst wearing, but it for the little hassle it brings, I think the benefits massively outweigh the negatives of styling a NW4 into some form of submission!

The great thing about hair is you can have what style you want. If you want to keep it long and hipster/straggly or whatever, you can or you want a high/tight army style cut or bangs/fringe, a gelled up spikey doo - you can have it all.

Another issue some may have with wearing is fear of being busted. This went over me after the 2nd time I started wearing as I knew I really had no alternative as my hairline was going, but unless its a helmet of hair at 200% or something mad, it should be fine.

If you are worried also about this having being a hat wearer for a while you can gradually enter the world without the hat. I did this also to help with my confidence. I was wearing a lot of hats whilst my hair tried to grow in but once I started wearing again, I slowly ditched the hat - maybe just 1 day a week or so to begin with and no body said anything. And still wear a hat now and again today.

All the best and hope it works out for you. Sorry I went on a bit there Wink but hopefully it works for you and there are many young members here or guys in their 20s who were worrying about it and the prospect of wearing. Some great information on this site as well and many helpful people.

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RE: Looking for advice on my first hair system - kevinme - 05-20-2013, 07:30 AM

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