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Dear John
02-17-2013, 10:17 PM,
Dear John
Hey John and other TopLace forum members,

it appears on your forum that 3 people commented on how my forehead looks quite wide, this can't be a coincidence, and I would like your opinion on my template that I sent to you.

in the attachments I have included a front picture of myself and a side by side comparison of my temple flaps vs. jrobs.

[Image: 2cgzv60.png]

[Image: 307nmo4.png]

my temple flaps appear to be not that far off jrobs, but maybe adding a cm to both sides would lessen the impact of my wide forehead.

also I believe adding 1cm length to the sideburns to make them longer would be useful, this would apply to both sides of course.

I would like to know if you would recommend changing the length of the temple flaps, and if so what length you would recommend between 0.5 -1.5cm, and can these changes be done for this order or is it too late?


Note: I have also e-mailed you this information so you know which customer I am.

I also put this here on the forum because I would like other peoples opinions as well.
02-18-2013, 12:07 AM,
RE: Dear John
I suspect that what is throwing people off is the hair style?
With the top of your head the hair is quite full looking and high which coupled with a high hairline and flatter more thinned out sides is giving the illusion of a wide forehead.
Your temple regions look ok to me and I feel if the fullness was lessened on the top and the actual hairline lowered by an inch then people would have a different opinion?
I have to say that I think the fullcapwearer you have is very natural looking and once the hairline and density are adjusted then you will have it nailed!
02-18-2013, 01:20 AM,
RE: Dear John
LTB, might be on to something there!

just lowered my hairline to exactly 4 fingers above my eyebrows.

here are the results.

[Image: x55ly0.png]

and yes I think you are right, looking at the side angle between me and Jrob there isn't that much of a difference, maybe 0.5cm.
02-18-2013, 01:52 AM,
RE: Dear John
Presumably by bringing it forward at the front (which does look much better) you have also lost that extra bit at the nape that you felt was too long?
02-18-2013, 01:58 AM,
RE: Dear John
thanks on it looking a lot better.

no i still have that nape bit, i think templates that are made are supposed to be 1 or 2 cms below the occipital bone.

not sure why they do this, but I think you are supposed to order 3/4" poly so that it "holds" just below the bone, like the way a hook would hold on to something.
02-18-2013, 02:23 AM,
RE: Dear John
oh sorry yes you said "Looks like it has slipped back"

I thought you meant it looks like it has, implying that is wasn't.

but yes this seems to have solved the problem now, totally false alarm.
02-18-2013, 02:58 AM,
RE: Dear John

You (being a stylist) must notice this sort of thing all the time on other wearers?
Positioning and the shape of the front contour is (to me) SO important and I notice that before anything else.
The smallest of adjustments can make a HUGE difference.
But weirdly, I can see whats wrong on someone else far more easily than I can on myself.
I think I'm concentrating on the little details, like attachment & getting close up in the mirror and what I really need to do is take a step back and get a more overall impression.
Thats when I can really tell if the position is right.

I think too many guys go for a standard shaped front contour and would be much better off if they worked out one that suited their head and face and not have the uniform standard shape.
02-18-2013, 03:09 AM,
RE: Dear John
I think initially I was scared to have a juvenile hairline as I felt it might be more realistic to have it further back and subconsciously did it this way through time, unfortunately if you do this with a full cap it has a negative affect as your temple points recede!
02-18-2013, 06:12 AM,
RE: Dear John
Southernguy said "the real problem with most hair wearers is the hair is wearing the person"

Thats the most brilliant description!!!!!
02-18-2013, 09:33 AM,
RE: Dear John
Its a little hard to tell as the pics arent great quality.
I think also that maybe your sideburns could be a bit longer.
Overall,it looks good you are a young guy and hair suits your face.
Im guessing you have never been busted?

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