ah I see what he means by "i have attachments as long as an inch and a half" - he is refering to his grades he has on the clippers.
well he seems to get a very good style with clippers himself!
ok this is what I have now.
it comes with grades 1-4, and grade #4 is 0.5".
OK I have searched and can find grades #5 to #12, and 12 is 1.5"
I have never done this before but I assume it wont be too difficult to cut a hairpiece I buy here with a regular set of clippers?
I guess the only real benefit to robocut/flowbee is you get most of the hair in a vacuum, then you can use clippers to make it a bit shorter, whereas if you use clippers with no robocut/flowbee there is a big cleanup involved.
would you say the above is true?
is it easier to use clippers with the hair bonded to your head, or is it easier to use clippers when it is sitting on a styofoam head?