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Feeling like it will not work?
04-23-2012, 06:16 AM,
RE: Feeling like it will not work?
even if anyone suspected,they woudnt say, thats just the way society works,
theyll tell you when it looks good but not if its bad,
youll get visual cues from passers by if its realy bad,just as you would if you walked about wearing one shoe ect,no one knows except my mother,
debond every 3 weeks,but at week 3 its becomming slightly loose,
if i was working id prob debond twice a month,
would be well worth a visit to see sonia if youre in manchester,
pretty close, not that youll be visiting that often just enough for a few cut ins,
my natural hair prob looked more like a hair system, or a bad wigg than modern systems do.
prior to wearing,whn i wresttled to keep my locks, using nano fibers,when id lost way to much density.
as Hersute says, follow the golden rules, and you wont go to far wrong,
its hair not rocket science.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Feeling like it will not work? - sagem - 04-22-2012, 05:23 PM
RE: Feeling like it will not work? - antywanty - 04-23-2012, 06:16 AM

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