I think this website would be greatly enhanced if it were possible to view a forum user's profile and link directly to photos that they have uploaded of themselves.
That's a great idea! The webmaster is currently updating the site this weekend. I'll be meeting with him and we'll work on this.
(04-05-2012, 10:37 AM)Porcupine Wrote: I totally agree but I think it may be hard gettting many people to post pics.
I am referring to photos that members have already uploaded.
(04-05-2012, 11:48 AM)MattNH Wrote: You've just got to look on the forum pages, any thread with a little paper clip denotes a picture....they're usually of peoples hair. Regards
Maybe something like "This member has posted photos" could appear alongside the member's name and could be clicked on from within each post they've contributed.
Or, perhaps at the bottom of each post a "Find User's Photos" link could be added, which would open into a new gallery section of the website arranged alphabetically.