hi ( Excuse my translation I do not speak English )
I would like to change my template because I want to enlarge my side for my template cache holes of my traction alopecia would shave each side of my real hair
You think that this template work for me?
would also add a minimum of white hair on the side what is the minimum%?
That looks fine to me..you`ll have to be careful to get your density correct ..your side hair is light density and if you get a higher density on your system, it will be noticeable ..... at a guess 50 -55% will be enough at the sides / where it meets your own hair..you can go a bit denser on the top-- John will know what will work best for you -just enclose the pictures with your template along with a sample of your own hair for colour-matching....... you can have whatever amount of grey hair you want--again John will advise you on it all so don`t worry too much about it...you could easily just trim a bit off at the edge where the traction alopecia is because your system hair will easily cover it -----tape and/or glue must make contact with skin, so if you keep your template to it`s present size, you`ll have to shave your hair `down`to where the perimeter of your template is now sitting as that will be the bond-point for your system, and it seems a shame to `waste` your growing hair. I`ll post a suggestion/adjustment you might like to consider, below. I`m interested to hear what others have to say....what do you think guys --would you advise a `trim`?
You`ll still need to trim the growing hair a little but not as much, and your perimeter will be sitting more or less `in`the spot which has the alopecia
Looks pretty good to me. Having a healthy amount of recession is key to getting a realistic look when your temples are receding, and I think that shape will look good on you. Be sure to post some pics when your unit arrives!