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Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
08-27-2011, 05:11 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
Yeah that`s what I was thinking too Hersute... mine is in great condition..hair still nice and soft....and at least with a system in his hands, it`s `real`rather than trying to imagine what the materials look and feel like..... he can cut it too and see if he thinks he can do the same then by ordering a topper and cutting out a partial from that. I know the color of hair on mine won`t prob. match his own, but he can just see what it looks like once he`s trimmed out a `mock`partial..... cheers, Paul.
08-27-2011, 06:20 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
Thats very nice of you thanks. But I'll try and make a larger template and try and cut it.

I understand what a lot of people are saying about such a small piece.

I have to admit I have receeded more than that pic but not much but the hair I have at the hairline is very thin. Therefore I brush my hair from the back right down to my eyebrows (well nearly). Thats part of the problem I'm over compensating and found myself growing my sides and top and back so long that its all a big wall of hair.

I am hoping with a small piece I can continue to use the rest of my hair and mix it into the partial piece and hopefully enjoy a better style and hopefully be able to cut my hair a bit more.

I know the ideal way is to shave the bit I have on top (the island of hair in the middle)(even though my loss isnt as much as some on here with such a high hairline it looks really bad). And to either use a large topper or what I think would work for me have a piece just a few centremetres across and back. This doesnt sound like much but with the thickness of my own hair I could get a curtain style which I'm trying to get now but with such loss and thinning it looks unatural.

This would involve shaving my island of hair, if that hair was as thick as the rest of it I wouldn't have a problem.

But at the current time I am unwilling to shave it so I need something that will give me thickness and a hairline I can part more naturally. So a piece like I attached earlier would run infront of my existing harline enabling to do exactly what I do now (use my sides and top hair brushed down but with the piece hopefully i get a more natural part and maybe even flick a bit of hair back.

I feel in a bit of a rut, even though I look like I have loads of hair I do not, and this crappy style that just looks odd isn't ever going to change unless I either go down the HT route or wear a piece. This may not be the ideal solution but I have to do something its affecting my confidence I dont like meeting new people etc etcc.

So hopefully this is the first step to try and change it. Maybe in the future I'll go for a larger topper, or maybe this will work fine, maybe I'll have a HT who knows, all I do know I need to change something.
08-27-2011, 06:36 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
Well you`re quite welcome to this Topper ..might give you a few more ideas on what way forward is the best for you....personally I wouldn`t consider transplantation mainly due to cost and it`s `invasive` and surely doing that is simply re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? You`re taking hair from one part of the head thus `robbing`that area and sticking it onto another... I really can`t see any `advantage` as such....there is no `extra`hair to go around..now if you could keep the hair at the back [the `donor area`] and somehow `magic` some hair out of thin air to stick in at the front...well then , yeah, I think I`d consider it...Paul.
08-27-2011, 08:17 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
Thanks for the offer paul I appreciate it but I'll decline.

I understand what your saying about HT's, but I've seen so many amazing pictures (not doctor pics but forum pics) of transformations its hard not to think its a real possibility.

Problem is I've thought about it and researched it for years but still not had one so obviously I'm not ready yet, so in the meantime this is the next best option.

HT's are very hit and miss and are dependant on so many factors theres no guarentee you will have great results, plus it helps if the loss is small and you respond well to med's.

But if donor is good and you pick a top doc (I believe theres only a handful that I would go to), have responded well to meds and you arent very young then the results are more likely to be good.
08-28-2011, 01:00 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
As I am mainly brushing my hair down with a little bit of parting do you think freestyle would be the best option especially as I intend to cut the topper.

Secondly I'm thinking of having a slight wave instead of straight do people think thats a bit more natural looking.

Plus my hair is often quite straw like and not really soft, I'm worried that the quality of hair will be a lot different with the piece. Is there a type of hair that toplace do that maybe more suitable.

08-28-2011, 03:48 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
Depends on what way your growing hair lies... slight wave will be ok..after a few washes it `slackens/relaxes`anyway..... sounds like your own needs a conditioner like one of those I`ve posted links to on the `Red Tones` thread there. All Toplace hair is Remi hair which is the best quality and only lightly processed which is why it usually `lasts` if treated properly. If you post a pic of your existing hair, you`ll get tips on what density and style/ventilation to go for.
08-28-2011, 05:21 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
The reason my hair is like that is probably down to the hairspray I use and me not washing my hair very much. I think I'll try freestyle at first. Just out of interest wahts your style/ventilation paul?
08-28-2011, 06:38 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
I have bodywave and forward-ventilation. Those hairsprays are probably the cause of that dryness due to alcohols in them. Lòreal `invisifix` gel would be a better thing to use, and a good conditioner when shampooing the hair will be positive.
08-28-2011, 07:31 PM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
cheers paul.
08-31-2011, 09:41 AM,
RE: Slow response to email? And questions for those in the know!
I think the best solution is right in front of your face. Man up and cut off what you have remaining on top. I know you say you aren't ready for that, but it really isn't a big deal at all. The hair you will be gaining from the system will be better than what you're shaving off anyways. So, my advice for you is pretty simple; lose the pride, cut off whats left on top, and get a normal system. I promise you it will look better than if you come up with some sort of solution to prevent yourself from not having to shave whats left. Don't worry about your pride my friend. You think it'll be hard on you to lose that hair, but you don't get how much pride you will gain from having a full, perfectly matching head of hair on top. Regardless, you're going to look great and feel better about yourself. So cut it off, order a stock unit and then a custom unit and you'll be great.

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