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Hair Plug removal
01-06-2010, 03:53 AM,
Hair Plug removal
People that read this forum regularly know that hair transplants can be a risky deal. There's the high cost, the scarring, infection, long healing time, bad surgeon, etc., not to mention that you have to have enough of a donor area to pull it off. Here's one more concern to add to the list: hair plug removal. This guy had a hair transplant done in '95. This was when it was common to transplant the hair plugs or hair strips which gave the 'doll's hair' look. Techniques have improved since then with the advent of FUE (follicular unit extraction) which is taking much smaller groups of hair shafts for transplant and gives a much more natural look. But if you're one of the guys that had the old style 'strip transplant' then it's a different story and you'll want to make it look more natural. Here's what the guy had to say to a transplant surgeon:

'I am a 44 year old male with obvious hair plugs. I had three sessions from strip grafts back in 1995. In considering all of my repair options, I would like to just be naturally bald. Two surgeons have dissuaded me from having plug removals claiming that scarring would be a limiting factor. I was wondering how you would feel about a staged FUE removal of individual hairs over time allowing healing between sessions. I noticed that you replied to another inquirer that individual graft removal take a week to heal. Therefore, why not just space out the sessions to allow for adequate healing in the meanwhile? I’m not averse to small scarring as anything would be better than my current state. I am not interested in additional grafting as I’m convinced I am continuing to bald and will eventually have an island on the top of my head.'

The transplant surgeon advised him to send in a photo or get a personal consultation so that the doctor could see what what he was dealing with. At any rate it's good to give a lot of thought to the transplant option before going through with it.

Messages In This Thread
Hair Plug removal - ToplaceUSA - 01-06-2010, 03:53 AM
Re: Hair Plug removal - Xeon005 - 01-06-2010, 06:22 PM
Re: Hair Plug removal - ToplaceUSA - 01-07-2010, 12:41 AM
Re: Hair Plug removal - Xeon005 - 01-07-2010, 06:48 AM

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