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Coolpiece vs. Toplace
11-15-2008, 04:43 AM,
Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Can anyone compare advantages of Toplace vs. Coolpiece systems?
I'm interested in buying my hair systems direct instead of through those other
"Hair clubs". Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

11-15-2008, 06:40 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
never used coolpiece but toplace rocks and they are far cheaper then coolpiece Big Grin
11-15-2008, 07:10 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Listen, let me give you the best advice your going to get. This is a toplace forum. So asking which company is better toplace or coolpiece is kind of stupid.

to the poster above, no toplace is not much cheaper anymore. They are the same price. I have ordered from coolpiece and they are good. Both toplace and coolpiece are good companies. just dont ask which is better here. Some prefer coolpiece. some prefer toplace. either way. Both are good. try both and make your own mind up.

11-15-2008, 07:37 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Hi Xeon,

I personally do not think mrrich was asking a stupid question as per what you quoted. It would be nice of you to have replied in a more professional way than implying that someone is "stupid". Where do you think he/she should post such a question besides here? It is absolutely logical and rational to have asked such a question here since this forum is mainly Toplace's customers (we all know how great Toplace's pieces are). However, you never know any of us was/had been Coolpiece's in the past. All mrrich wanted was a genuine answer to his question.

I am not trying to be rude or mean to you, please pardon me if my statement was sarcastic or too critical. We are here to learn and help out at the same time. Good day!

Hi mrrich,

All I can tell you that both Toplace's and Coolpiece's pieces are fantastic. However, in terms of pricing the latter definitely deters us or makes us wonder if we should go ahead and give it a try. Over here, you have forum where people exchange opinions and you can also see real photos. This is one of the main factors on which your decision can be based should you really want to give it a shot. Additionally, it also depends on the way you attach, remove and maintain the units (some lace units really disappear well on your skin whereas some are close to perfect). Speaking of perfection, nothing is guaranteed. You got to really explore the possibilities to know which one is good for you (I spent close to $2000 on pieces from different companies in two months and I know which one works for me). As Coolpiece is extending its sale since Oct 01st and the prices are only slightly higher than those of Toplace. Shoot me an e-mail in private and I will give you my best opinions but of course the ultimate decision is up to you (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:greenerysummer@yahoo.com">greenerysummer@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->). Have a good one.

Please take note that I neither work for Toplace nor Coolpiece but trying to render my best assistance to the newbies just like when I first came here to learn things from the experts.

11-15-2008, 07:42 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Thanks for your input Jake. Realizing this is a Toplace forum I just wanted to know if anyone who
had tried both noticed a difference in quality of hair, price, customer service, etc.
11-15-2008, 11:04 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
both toplace and coolpiece are the best when it comes to quality at an affordable price.
for customer service,toplace is the best, john, ba and debbie are always on the forum.
11-15-2008, 12:04 PM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Xeon is right about this not being the place to ask. I'm not saying it's a bad question. It's just that this is a Toplace forum. People are here because they like Toplace. If Coolpiece has a forum, the people there will like Coolpiece. The rules that we have been told repeatedly on this forum (and it really should be put in writing on the top of the forum) are that we discuss Toplace hairpieces, not the competitors. Try a site like hairlosshelp.com.
11-15-2008, 05:18 PM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
Hi Dino,

It is not an issue about who is right or who is being stupid here. Coolpiece does not have a forum like Toplace (that's why Toplace grows so fast and people are actively participating here every now and then). I started as a newbie just like many others. What if in reality, it was the other way round that Coolpiece had a forum while Toplace did not? Our mind does not just work toward one direction and thus be flexible. People who are unsure about who to go for and what to order can feel free to ask any question deems informative/useful. This is a commercial world and full of competition. If you are really good, don't have to be afraid that you will be losing a customer. We are not dumb and this is United States, everyone here knows what brain is meant for. If you think from another perspective, don't you think that newbies will give Toplace a try (or maybe both) but it is very likely that they will stick to Toplace eventually given the useful information and the willingness of anyone here to help out? Different people have different thinking and preference, let them decide (if you think you can help).

People are here to ask questions and if nobody responds for a period of time they will just stop asking. Just remain silent if you think this is not appropriate to ask such questions here. If you respond, be nice. That's also why I gave out my personal e-mail address so that they can come to me. Of course, I can't possibly reply to every individual question. You got to take time to read all information here just like what I did when first started. Everyone needs a bit of assistance here and there. The whole world is falling apart, so are the people. Being friendly and helpful is a good way to keep people sticking together again. Thanks.
11-15-2008, 09:33 PM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
mrrich1 Wrote:Thanks for your input Jake. Realizing this is a Toplace forum I just wanted to know if anyone who
had tried both noticed a difference in quality of hair, price, customer service, etc.


its over 12 months since i went on the coolpiece site and they were dearer then toplace but xeon is right they are the same price
11-16-2008, 04:53 AM,
Re: Coolpiece vs. Toplace
I agree that this is not the place to inquire about other companies. However, since others have already answered the OP, I will just say that I don't have much experience with Coolpiece other than I contacted the owner a couple of years ago before finding BA and Toplace. At the time, Toplace was the best deal around, but prices were increased about a year ago and this is no longer the case. Still, I find the customer service at Toplace to be worth it and for that, I don't think I could ever take my business anywhere else. BA and Debbie have been a tremendous help to myself and others in this hair wearing game, as has John. One thing you will find with Toplace is that if you ever have a problem with an order, you can be sure it will be taken care of to your satisfaction.

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