Here is my 1st attempt at a cut in and styling using a flowbee on my very first piece.
Many thanks to john for the speedy service with delivery
Here are the results after 15mins using a flowbee and some gel.
I didnt like the way it was vented as the hair seems to shoot out directly to the front, I ordered freestyle.but overall the piece looks very nice (still have to tweak around with it more to get it looking better thn at present)
Overall it came out ok, I messed up the front a little bit but still made the piece seem fairly undetectable. I used blue lace around the perimeter with 3mil tape up front and superstick glue at the very front where I had left about a quarter of an inch of lace. The glue to 5 attempts to get right.
I went out for a motorbike ride in hot humid and gusty conditions, then practiced jujitsu with it on and ground grappled for a bout 1 hour, the thing stayed put as solid as a bolted down door, minor lift at the front. I am really happy about how solid the piece is once glued on.
I ordered SFS front with French base and poly perimeter(good suggestion from BA) 67% density, will play around and see if I can get the second piece looking better today.
I have to admit that I was extremely impressed with how accurate Toplace was with the color and hair texture matching, the quality of the hair is also really amazing.
Top quality and best value for sure IMO.
Thank you to John, BA and Debbie.