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question reg. adhesive (to Debbie)
06-02-2009, 12:04 AM,
question reg. adhesive (to Debbie)
Hello Debbie ( & hello readers )

great experience my first week - Iris was very confused in the beginning but now she loves it.
Read also my airportstory ( added in thread "Birmingham convention was QUALITY!!" ) to hear
about the first feedback from a stranger...feedback in my office was very positive.
Someof them even did not realize ( BA mentioned that, I did not belive him, but he was right ).

Quick questions reagarding glue you have used on convention:

can you remember which you used on my head ? It was the medium strong one but I do not remember the name -
unfortunately this one does not work FOR ME as I have problems with "migration" along my forehead
(a very thin layer of sticky sweat slowy "crawling" down to my eyebrows in a period of 5 days & some hairstrands of the piece became
greasy ) - it seems that MY bodychemistry is aggresive to the adhesive & works like a solvent to it.
Just would like to know the name to avoid ordering this one.

The showers I had were with showercap on my head - I only let some water on the piece with aerosol can as I did not know if the adhesive is
waterproof. Can you suggest a waterproof adhesive ?

Any recommendations how I can clean the hairstrands of the piece and make them soft again ?
What I have at home is the PURE REMOVAL you sent me & the samples that JRob gave us ( shampoo, conditioner, sealer ).

Final question - the (stock)piece you used is 100% SFS (no polystrip). If I remember right, you mentioned, that tapes
should only be applied on pieces with polystrip. So, do tapes not work in general on SFS or is the attatchment just not
as stron as on a polystrip ? I ask, as I have the "supertape" here which you sent me & would like to try that instead of glue.

Many questions, thanks for your help ( & thanks for anybody elses comments).

Best regards Carsten
06-02-2009, 03:32 AM,
Re: question reg. adhesive (to Debbie)
Hey carsten glad to hear all is going well. From wat i recall debbie used the walker white glu, thoose dont work for me either you may wanna try the ultra hold its water proof and gives a good hold only down side is its messy to work with and clean up but u get used to it mate good luck.
06-02-2009, 05:12 AM,
Re: question reg. adhesive (to Debbie)
I only saw Walker's Vinegar Crisps on the table.

Debbie shipped me BASE BOND recently. Do you know if this one is waterproof ?
It`s a waterbased adhesive regarding to describtion found on the web but seems to resist water ( applied a sampledot on my hand & tried to wash it away).
Just wanted to make sure that the BASE BOND is not that, what I had on my head the last days...
06-02-2009, 09:22 AM,
Re: question reg. adhesive (to Debbie)
iris ? dude i like that name .. lol sorry unrelated to the post

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