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full cap queries
05-05-2009, 08:21 AM,
full cap queries
Hey all, Im getting my first piece nxt wk, so impatient now hope it is all worth the wait!! Im havin a top piece done now but after reading alot of posts think in a yr or so will switch too a full head piece. Do have some questions is anyone could help me out would really appreciate it.

1. As its all lace do you is it best to use tape/glue or glue only?

2. How hard is a template to do and do you need help doing it. Is the standard clingfilm and sticky tape a option?

3. is it best to use your own sideburns or have them on the system?

4. how much more expensive is it?

5.Does it look more realistic as there is no blending?

6. Are they as durable as just a top piece?

Anyone who replies thank you i do really appreciate it.
05-05-2009, 10:49 AM,
Re: full cap queries
tunners Wrote:1. As its all lace do you is it best to use tape/glue or glue only?

I use a combo.

Quote:2. How hard is a template to do and do you need help doing it. Is the standard clingfilm and sticky tape a option?

It's not difficult but it does take more time.

Quote:3. is it best to use your own sideburns or have them on the system?

I've done both, but I think natural sideburns really give it the finishing touch

Quote:5.Does it look more realistic as there is no blending?

In some ways it looks more realistic, but your styles are more limited. If you have bad side hair, a full cap is a no brainer, IMO.

Quote:6. Are they as durable as just a top piece?


I am still planning on releasing my full cap DVD in the future. Had several issues or it would have been done by now, but stay tuned....it will be done sometime after the UK convention.
05-06-2009, 05:05 AM,
Re: full cap queries
Nice1 mate really appreciate it, Fink I will deffo go that way in the future.
05-06-2009, 07:49 AM,
Questions for JRob
Was it hard adjusting to wearing a full cap ? I mean, are you more aware of wearing something on your head now than with a topper ?
When you lay your head on a pillow does the cap tend to want to shift ?
By style limits I guess you mean you can't wear shorted styles ?
What's the shortest you can go w/o it looking off ?
Do the sides and back tend to stick out at first and then settle in?

05-06-2009, 12:25 PM,
Re: Questions for JRob
klifford Wrote:Was it hard adjusting to wearing a full cap ? I mean, are you more aware of wearing something on your head now than with a topper ?

The transition was easy. I was ecstatic that I no longer had to deal with the issues that faced me with a topper.

Quote:When you lay your head on a pillow does the cap tend to want to shift ?

It can, if you don't attach on the top.

For the longest time I was only doing a perimeter attachment, but I finally realized that the scalp irritation I was getting was from the french lace chafing my skin. I started attaching with a couple of strips on the top and behind the crown, now I don't have any issues.

Quote:By style limits I guess you mean you can't wear shorted styles ?

Meaning you can't do a "fade". You can definitely go short though.

Quote:What's the shortest you can go w/o it looking off ?

Right above the ears the hair on my latest piece is very, very short. If your knots are well bleached you can go all the way down below 1/4". The shortest part of my current unit is barely more than stubble. I don't think I would go that short on the top or back, but we have figured out that you can go shorter than we expected.

I am still working on the full cap DVD, and I plan to show how short my units are on the sides.

Quote:Do the sides and back tend to stick out at first and then settle in?

My latest unit is the shortest I have gone on a new unit, and yes, since it is that short the hair does tend to want to stick out. I think it will settle in. We shall see.
05-07-2009, 12:48 AM,
Re: full cap queries
1/4" ??? Well, that's pretty short !
It would be great if you could post some photos of your current piece while we wait for the video !

I am getting really tired of blending issues and thin sides. May take the full cap plunge soon !

Thanks for your answers !

05-08-2009, 03:40 AM,
Re: full cap queries
klifford Wrote:1/4" ??? Well, that's pretty short !
It would be great if you could post some photos of your current piece while we wait for the video !

I am getting really tired of blending issues and thin sides. May take the full cap plunge soon !

Thanks for your answers !


My newest unit is in the settling in process. I will try to get some photos from the UK convention in two weeks.

If you have thin sides a full cap is the only way to go, IMO. I've seen a lot of guys that have no temple points trying to pull off toppers with sort styles that would look 1000x better with a full cap.

Hey, worst case is you don't like it and you transition back.
05-08-2009, 12:08 PM,
Re: full cap queries
Full caps are in my experience more secure and troublefree than toppers once you get the hang of wearing and applying them. They sort of mould themselves around your head.

I leave a narrow strip of my own hair at the back and this adds to the realism of the back view. I mostly use the Full cap sideburns and just shave my own off underneath.

Generally I tend to use mostly tape now which is quick and clean. Glue is sometimes useful across the very edge of the hairline and tip of the sideburns, but for most day to day situations tape suffices. I find Walkers No Shine good, and so too Duo tac.

To get rid of the slight shine that still seems to exist with lower densities at the hairline (even with Walkers though it's not a s bad as most other tapes) I unpeel the tape before applying it and spray it with Mane (sort of like Dermatac in a spray can). Not a hint of a shine after that and it doesn't seem to adversely affect the strenght of the hold.

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