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Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
05-04-2009, 08:49 PM,
Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Well to people who wears hair pieces, had previous hair transplant, or people suffering from overall hair loss like propecia. Wouldn't it be a good idea to start a dating website specifically targeting people who suffer from this. I mean, I'm a wearer myself and I really get paranoid when I'm on a date. I'm always thinking to myself "OOHHHHH LORD IS SHE LOOKING AT MY HAIR" or maybe worse than that, your in bed with her "OOOHHHHH LORD I HOPE SHE DOESN'T GRAB MY HAIR"I seriously think that would be cool to date people with your same situation. Then that takes alot of stress off your chest because now your going on date with a person who already knows but is not going to judge you, because your not going to judge them. Just some thought......

Rockstar :mrgreen:
05-05-2009, 01:35 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Sad Sounds creepy!
05-05-2009, 03:02 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
I honestly think this would be a bad idea. How many girls are going to register on a dating site that has bald men? If there's one thing I've learned about women, it's that they want a man who exudes confidence, bald or not. By putting yourself on some sort of hair loss dating site, it's almost like you're saying, "Hey, I'm very insecure, I just want to meet someone that loves me for all my flaws."
05-05-2009, 05:19 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Yeah exactly, I agree with the poster above. Like what are we lepers? haha
05-05-2009, 05:51 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Lepers? LOL!

Yeah, it's best after you develop some chemistry to just let them know. Like JRob and I distinguished in another thread earlier, if your hair looks good, no one cares! In fact a lot of the time you will find they will be intrigued by it and love the fact you were proactive to look so good. Just like how they use makeup, etc.

Now if you have the old "toupee" look, yes it isn't going to go over well at all. But that's why you got all of us here to steer you in the right direction as far as density, color, bases, etc!

Let the babes pour in :-)
05-05-2009, 08:55 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Damn, good point Hair-E
05-05-2009, 10:38 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
GQPilot 737 Wrote:Lepers? LOL!

Yeah, it's best after you develop some chemistry to just let them know. Like JRob and I distinguished in another thread earlier, if your hair looks good, no one cares! In fact a lot of the time you will find they will be intrigued by it and love the fact you were proactive to look so good. Just like how they use makeup, etc.

Now if you have the old "toupee" look, yes it isn't going to go over well at all. But that's why you got all of us here to steer you in the right direction as far as density, color, bases, etc!

Let the babes pour in :-)

I wouldn't say that "nobody cares". One girl I know seemed to be opposed to the whole idea of it (obviously due to stigma and misconceptions). Both her and another one that I dated suggested that I would "look fine without hair". They don't say it in so many words, but you can tell that they fall into the same trap others do, thinking that only a super-insecure person would ever wear hair.

That said, it isn't really an issue for most people. I do get lots of compliments from women who know I wear.
05-05-2009, 05:06 PM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
Well sure plenty of girls are going to have their disqualifiers on not just hair but other things (cars, house, career, etc.). There is simply no getting past that.

What good is a partner in life if you cant do what makes you happy/confident anyway?

I really think if you're honest and have a well-designed system on, you should be fine with MOST of your endeavors in this area.
05-05-2009, 06:05 PM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
HA HA HA! :lol:

The suggestion of a dating site for baldies, cracks me UP! So would that include women too? I can picture a couple helping put the glue/tape on for each other !!! :lol:

I don't think it would catch on. Unless the bald men had something else to offer. $$$
I think at the end of the day you just have to be comfortbale with yourself. I'm slowly coming to terms of my hair loss. As a women it HITS you 100X harder than a man. Its socially acceptable for a man to lose his hair, NOT a woman.

However I don't let it slow me down. I get on with my life. If people think I wear a hair system, WHO cares? I look in the mirror everyday and say to myself, this is the only life and body I'm gonna get. I'd better make the most of it. Count yourself lucky, you can walk, breath, LIVE life to the fullest. I work in the health industry and meet people who are lucky if they can get out of bed everyday.

I used to be SOOOO paranoid that people would know. Now, quite frankly I don't give a shit. Dating has been weird but I just know, the right man, will love me for me. I come as a whole package, hair system and all! LMAO!

Enjoy life and live it with meaning! Don't let your hair dictate how you live life. Its such a small part of who you are!

All the best man!
05-06-2009, 01:59 AM,
Re: Hey Do You Guys Think An Idea Like This Would Work??????????
I love seeing posts where people worry about a) "what if my hair gets pulled in a fight?" OR b) "What if she pulls my hair during sex?" :lol:

If you're not immersed in either of those moments......ya doing it wrong! Wink

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