04-30-2009, 08:32 PM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
By the way, the hair system in the first few pics (in my bathroom) does actually have a graduated hairline. I didn't request it like that, but I made the best of it and used less gel in the front to make it look thicker. The second piece has a thicker front hairline.
Quote:Why did you and your old lady split? Was the carpet mentioned?
Believe me, it had absolutely nothing to do with my hair. Are you joking? Hair couldn't have been any forther from our minds... She had a lot of deep rooted problems from her difficult childhood and I found it harder and harder to deal with all that, cos lifes too short. She ended up becoming very insecure and suffered from an eating disorder... it was one thing after another and it was very hard on me (at times I ended up feeling drained and depressed), but in the end I had to break up with her if I wanted to keep my sanity. In the end, I feel like I now know exactly what I want, and having a girl who is beautiful looking is not very important anymore - what's important is to have someone who you can relax with and feel happy, and most importantly *share* common interests together. Great sex isn't going to get you very far tbh, and it is not so important in the long run!
Quote:Amazing, Mr. Burns. You look years younger. Question. Are your hair systems made to wear for several days, or do you remove them every night?
Thanks for the nice comment. I always attach for 7 days at a time.
Snipe - yes, it's still curtains (can't you tell?)! But my new order has specified a little bit of wings just to try it out. If it doesn't work, I can just chop them off.
05-01-2009, 06:12 AM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
Silly question by a non native writer:
...may I ask you what`s ment by "curtains" ??? Is it the form, because you continue to write about wings ?
I also loughed, when I read "carpet" ! In german, a hairpiece sometimes is called poodle.
05-01-2009, 06:38 AM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
I like the short style of the last photo. What kind of cut in would that be? I'm contemplating a hair replacment system in the near future, and I like that particular style.
05-01-2009, 07:57 AM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
Dude said:
"Believe me, it had absolutely nothing to do with my hair. Are you joking? Hair couldn't have been any forther from our minds... She had a lot of deep rooted problems from her difficult childhood and I found it harder and harder to deal with all that, cos lifes too short. She ended up becoming very insecure and suffered from an eating disorder"
No I'm not joking. If you truly broke up with her then yeah, it didn't have anything to do with the wig.
But with all due respect, who are you to call her insecure? If you, I or anyone else here were secure with ourselves, we wouldn't be wearing or contemplating wearing rugs. Tisk, tisk. You would think that someone who knows what it's like to be insecure would be a little more compasionate instead of jumping ship when the going got tough.
Just keeping it real.
CB1 a.k.a. Chore Boy
05-01-2009, 07:58 AM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
I have been lurking here for a while but after seeing this topic I felt compelled to register.
After seeing those photos Mr Burns, I am now more confident than ever that it is possible to get a hair system which is undetectable - yours looks absolutley fantastic and if I could get results like that I would be thrilled - results like that are definatley a better option than getting your head cut open! (i.e. hair transplant surgery).
One thing I'd also like to add is that I think your hair looks even better when it's shorter - I think the trick with hairpieces is 'less is more'; your new shorter style is exactly the kind of style I would like if/when I do decide to get a hairpiece.
05-01-2009, 12:49 PM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
CB1 Wrote:No I'm not joking. If you truly broke up with her then yeah, it didn't have anything to do with the wig.
But with all due respect, who are you to call her insecure? If you, I or anyone else here were secure with ourselves, we wouldn't be wearing or contemplating wearing rugs. Tisk, tisk. You would think that someone who knows what it's like to be insecure would be a little more compasionate instead of jumping ship when the going got tough.
Wearing a piece does not mean you are insecure. Might be for you, and it might be for some others, but I'll tell you that it has nothing whatsoever to do with that for me and many others. I shaved my head for about 8 years without giving it much thought. Only got involved in the hair replacement game because I saw how good it could look and I wanted a change.
And if a woman (or any other person) has an issue with your hair, don't expect any compassion just because THEY are insecure themselves. Matter of fact, they will probably project their insecurities onto you.
05-01-2009, 02:51 PM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
I also believe the shorter haircut definilty looks better. less poof.. gives your whole profile better lines
05-01-2009, 10:02 PM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
Glad you guys liked this style. I think both of these styles are some of my best yet, and Toplace are making some great systems.
CB1 Wrote:No I'm not joking. If you truly broke up with her then yeah, it didn't have anything to do with the wig.
I think when you are wearing hair for a few years you will realise how insignificant the whole thing is. Hair wearing just becomes like washing the dishes, it's not something you'd really think about unless you have to reattach or do a template. And it's certainly not something that is going to cause emotional problems or relationship issues. It really is a non-issue after a while.
CB1 Wrote:But with all due respect, who are you to call her insecure? If you, I or anyone else here were secure with ourselves, we wouldn't be wearing or contemplating wearing rugs. Tisk, tisk. You would think that someone who knows what it's like to be insecure would be a little more compasionate instead of jumping ship when the going got tough.
Just keeping it real.
Yeah, it's a fair comment. I do know what it is to feel insecure, I know all about it. In the period before I got my hair system I was feeling very insecure about my hairloss problem and I had noticed that women weren't very attracted to my balding head. The thing is, no matter what insecurities we have in life, at some point you have to find a way to overcome them. I no longer feel insecure at all about my hair because I've gotten a hair system. I also used to feel a lack of confidence, and I used to drink sometimes to help with that - but in the last six years I've used meditation to solve my other confidence problems, and I've done a lot of intensive meditation courses and this has also really helped me (I should also note that it has helped me to relax a LOT about wearing hair, and usually I forget I'm wearing hair thanks to the meditation). I don't even need drink anymore to feel great about life, I just accept reality as it is and keep my mind clean and free of fear and negativity as much as possible.
I have a lot of compassion for people who suffer from insecurity, believe me. I will do everything in my power to help them, and to show them that there is a way out. For three years I gave my girlfriend everything I could, as much love as I could, as much compassion as I could. But in the end she kept on creating more obstacles for herself and making herself more and more insecure. Maybe in helping her I was making her more insecure, I honestly don't know. But if someone doesn't want to overcome their insecurity and move on... what can you do???
I still feel compassion for her, I'm sorry if it came across that I don't... but I do still feel a lot of compassion and love for her. But she chose to keep destroying her mind so I had to get out of there if I wanted to "stay on the wagon" myself, because she was starting to drag me back into a place that I have long left behind. My opinion is that life is really short... don't think it isn't. Before you know it you'll be on the way out, so you simply must follow your heart and find the best in life.
Does that sound reasonable to you?
05-02-2009, 01:01 AM,
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Re: New photos + shorter haircut
Just reading in another thread that a person was having trouble attaching st 30 the circular lace, apparently the new way the systems are being made.
Just wondering if your system is being made in this new way and if you used st 30 to attach and if you had any difficulties?
If you didn't use st 30, what did you use instead?