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finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
12-12-2013, 10:33 AM,
finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
Hi guys finally got my first piece cut in at the weekend after researching this for so long now i thought it would be a breezze.

But i find myself stressing out now its on and i can't go back to concelaers but why am i thinking that i don't know, i have even contemplated shaven it all off.

Just doubt myself will it work or won't it been wearing a hat since the cut it.

ive attached some pics i know you guys will give some honest feedback.

pictures taken under kitchen 50w lights so that why you some red glow on some on the pics.

Attached Files Image(s)
12-12-2013, 01:34 PM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
TBH with the style you have going on, I dont think anyone would ever even think its a piece. You seem young enough to pull that look. Is it just a topper that you have? Is it lace or skin?

If I saw you walking by I would just think you are a kid with a trendy hair style =]
12-12-2013, 05:26 PM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
It looks like a totally normal head of hair.
I think you have to sit yourself down and work out what exactly is stressing you about it.
It might just be a case of you haven't given yourself enough time to mentally adjust yet or it might be specific issues you have about things like cut, colour, attachment.

But as none of the latter thing are apparent from your pictures, I'm guessing its a mental thing.
It hasn't brought you the immediate confidence you were hoping it would, so you need to set yourself a few challenges.
One being, going down the street without the hat.
Try it. See if anyone stares at your hair. I mean REALLY stares, not just in your perception.
The fact is they won't.
Next step is the meet up with a family member or friend and again, see what reaction you get.

Basically, the more situations you throw yourself into and get on with, the less time you have to think about your hair.
Eventually you'll have an afternoon or an entire day that afterwards, you'll realise you didn't think about your hair once.

It gets better, but some people have to work at the mental aspect equally as much as they do the practical aspect, like attachments & maintenance.

Good luck.
12-12-2013, 10:03 PM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
Thanks guys i really appreciate your feedback.

yeah i think your right just need to get my head around it i mean i was fine walking down the street with crap concealer all over my hair and this looks 100% better so its defintley a mind thing. well ive got a long walk to the salon down a busy high street so that will the acid test.


swiss lace
55% density
5% gray
12-13-2013, 01:25 AM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
Wow it's only 5% gray ? Maybe it's because you're under a strong light but I thought it was about 15%.
I just ordered a piece and I choosed 5% gray too but I didn't think it was so visible.
Anyway this is even more realistic, nobody can doubt you're wearing a piece.
12-13-2013, 04:01 AM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
I think it looks greats! Maybe style it instead of just combing it straight forward? Remember you have hair now! You don't have to resort to that "one" look!
12-13-2013, 07:14 AM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
Hair looks great... style looks weird.
12-18-2013, 05:09 AM,
RE: finally made the leap but am feeling stressed. with pics.
Looks really good.

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