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Photo update
04-14-2013, 06:45 AM,
Photo update
Hi all,

I've been wearing for a couple years now. Photo attached. Happy to answer any questions.

[Image: photo2.jpg]
04-14-2013, 07:23 AM,
RE: Photo update
Not to sound rude, but hairline looks less than impressive (are you using tape?).. The blend on the back and sides looks great though.
04-14-2013, 10:49 AM,
RE: Photo update
Props for posting photos. I agree with the poster above, the blend is awesome, but there is something about the hairline. Maybe bleaching the knots better would help??
04-14-2013, 11:19 AM,
RE: Photo update
As others have already said, the colour match, blend and cut-in are excellent.
Personally I think an altered front hairline contour and a graduated density at the front would soften the appearance and suit you more as in the picture below.

Attached Files Image(s)
04-14-2013, 12:17 PM,
RE: Photo update
Hersute you are a master of photoshop! I agree the contour would def help. But other than that it looks like a perfect blend / match. Do you cut in yourself? What are the specs of your piece?
04-14-2013, 07:10 PM,
RE: Photo update
Hi jcoors, I do have a question as yours is a story I remember reading about whilst doing all my research prior to making the decision to wear. My first system is now likely to arrive within the next week or so and I'll be getting it cut in etc. before the end of the month.

I seem to remember you were keen to replicate the style you already had with your first piece for a smooth transition so that it wouldn't be obvious that something had changed and you had had something done. My plan is pretty similar as ive been using concealers, cutting my own hair and styling it in a way that covers the thinning and the recession quite successfully. The plan is to replicate the style I have (even though it's far from the style i really want) with that first piece and then gradually lower the hairline, fill in the temples, increase the density over the next year or so, again to make for a smooth transition.

I do however know that at the time some people advised you against this and said that it would raise less questions from people if you completely changed the style straight away to throw people off completely because it is difficult to replicate your current hair exactly and people are likely to see that something is different if they see you every day in close proximity (work colleagues etc) and if you have a totally different style then they are more likely to accept that it's just a different hair cut and not question why it suddenly seems a bit thicker and fuller. I just wondered if you could advise me as to how you found this transition to your first system and whether you'd recommend what you did and try to maintain your original look or to go with the complete opposite. If anyone else has a thought on this please chime in.

As far as your photo goes I agree that the blend looks excellent and I know you incorporate temple points in your systems which also look excellent. It's difficult to tell with the hairline as its not too clear but overall I think it looks very good.

04-14-2013, 10:34 PM,
RE: Photo update

In my experience its not really the people you see everyday that notice ANYTHING.
After a while, we all actually stop looking at the people we see everyday and its more of a subliminal recognition.

Its the people you've not seen in a while that might notice a change.
You could spend a year or two gradually altering your hairline to avoid the people around you noticing the transition and then bump in to someone you've not seen in years and to them you'll look different.
But usually, in that scenario, those people just notice you look better and will say so.
They won't be able to identify what has changed exactly and assume that time and aging have been kind to you.


Ha! I wish I was a master of photoshop!
But its so much easier to just alter an image than to try to explain the suggested alterations and (I think) shows what a huge difference a few tweaks can make.
I think all sellers should offer a similar sort of service because, after all, wearing hair is about improving or restoring what you look like and we all want to know if its going to work before we embark on it.


Please understand I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the shape of your current hairline. I see lots of people who naturally have a similar one.
I just feel that as we have the choice to improve upon nature, we should use that opportunity to achieve the most flattering result.
To me its all about forehead proportions and face shape.
But I know from my own experiences that you can get very used to seeing something in the mirror and its easier to be more comfortable seeing that, than to embrace what seems like a radical change.
If you wanted to keep what you've got shape wise but improve the overall look, I would also suggest you try a new style.
Try styling the hair brushed forward from the temples, up towards the centre of your forehead, with a bit of lift at the front.
I'll see if I can find a picture to demonstrate what I mean and I'll add it here later.

Ok, here we go.
below are not the best examples of what I meant, but they should give you the general idea:

Attached Files Image(s)
04-15-2013, 12:06 AM,
RE: Photo update
I agree that the hairline makes it less than perfect but everything else about this system is excellent. Id say its at 95%. May i ask how u get a blend that good?Do u cut it in yourself?
Looks great
04-15-2013, 07:46 AM,
RE: Photo update
no offence but the frontal hairline looks like a wig not a natural hairline..
04-15-2013, 09:35 PM,
RE: Photo update
I think the density is maybe a tad too high.

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