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Ordering a stock unit as a first order ?
11-27-2012, 10:31 PM,
Ordering a stock unit as a first order ?
Hello guys,

First my english is not very good, and it's hard sometimes to understand in this forum all this vocabulary which is new for me.

My question sounds a little bit stupid as the answer is obviously : NO

But here is my concern :

1. I have discovered hair replacement only 1 month ago, i'm 100% going there, but i urgently need one.
I will start a new job soon, I'm 1,5 year now living in Prague (french citizen), and i want to take this as an opportunity to start with a new face, i mean a face with more hair.
I will then only explain to my friends that i let my hair grow naturally, and that i was covering it with SMH powder so that it will grow again.

2. If i go for the normal procedure, it might take 2 months, maybe more, which a guaranteed result obviously. It's a long time, especially if i start working and suddenly come back to the office with more hair.

3. As mentioned im using Super Million Hair since 3 years now, but my hairline is almost gone and i can't use it anymore (i still use it since i would really look ridiculous if i shave everything), that motivates me even more to try a hair system, and asap

That's why, do you think it's possible to order a stock unit as a first try ?, I can attach to my request a picture of my hair without powder, and a picture of a haircut i would like ? The density 65% on stock units looks ok i think, i would rather take more since i was covering my whole head with SMH.

Last question, is a stock unit with or without temples ? Because my temples are more and more very thin.

I really appreciate reading you all, and i hope i will be soon part of the ones who sent beautiful pictures with their system.
11-28-2012, 06:42 AM,
RE: Ordering a stock unit as a first order ?
You won't get temple with a stock piece.
Stocks are made in standard colours, standard shapes and standard densities.

If your hair is an easily matched colour, ordering a stock piece is a good way to start and then you can redefine your specifications better when you order a custom piece.
11-28-2012, 08:05 AM,
RE: Ordering a stock unit as a first order ?
Have a look at the Homepage here http://www.toplace.com/ Click on your national flag and your browser [I use Google Chrome] should translate the page into your language ...you can then go to the forum and read it in your native language.
If you think you can get a reasonably good colour-match in a stock, and the medium density will be ok, well then, yes you should probably be able to make a stock ` work` for you....bear in mind you may have to trim it to fit your thin area...... they are 8 inches in width [ear-to-ear] and 10 inches front-to-back..... if this is a little bit too large for you, you can easily trim it to fit---however, do not cut the front as this has ` graduated` hair-density for a natural look... if you cut off the front, you`ll end up with the denser hair sitting right on your hairline and it will look wrong......so confine it to the sides and /or back should you actually need to trim it.
In terms of your temple area....as Hersute told you, stocks don`t have them, but if you leave the hair a little on the ` long` side when having it styled-in, you can easily cover/ hide that area until you get a ` proper` custom-made system..... also, bear in mind that with a stock, the perimeter may not sit snugly to the shape of your individual head , due to it`s curvature ---- heads come in all shapes and sizes ! However, should you get some ` bunching-up` on parts of the perimeter, it won`t be visible as such, but it will / would be detectable to touch....... those ` pleats` always feel a lot bigger than they actually are , but they can ` annoy` you ! Some guys get a perfect fit with a stock---just depends...... you might be one of those !!
Hope you can get the translate function to help you read more easily...cheers for now.
11-28-2012, 02:31 PM,
RE: Ordering a stock unit as a first order ?
Many thanks Paul, i missed that flag on the home page, it's more than helpful, but i also want to use my motivation and curiosity in hair systems in order to help me improve my english.

The shape of my head is rather small than big, so you are right when you mention that the system might not suit my head.

I think i will go for a try with a french supplier first, the good thing is that i can go there today before my flight tomorrow.

The risk doesn't scare me a lot because if it doesn't work (for any reason you mentioned), i will juste remove it, and go back to this horrible SMH powder, still better than being bald (for me).

I will let you know how it goes, thanks again.

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