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Questions about toplace systems (photos)
11-01-2012, 11:25 AM,
Questions about toplace systems (photos)
Hello everyone, I'm new here, nice to meet you all.
You don't have to answer every question if u cant, but I'de greatly appreciate all the help i can get.

I'm considering the possibility of having to get a hair replacement system soon. My hair loss has cut my hair density in half, possibly more. I can't style my hair the way I want. I have an oily scalp and thin hair, so If I don't wash my hair everyday bald spots appear from hairs sticking to the scalp and each other. The hair on the sides and back of my head outgrow hair on my scalp and I have to trim the back and sides every 2 weeks or so. I only have enough hair on top to cover the scalp and can't do anything else with it. I'm only 19 and I hate it.

I thought maybe with something like this I'll be able to get on with my life. I just have some questions(sorry, I'm new to this):
1) I'm assuming toplace systems are made with european hair, I'm of Pakistani/Indian decent, would this pose a problem?
2) I play sports and work out often, 3-6 times a week, will all the sweat create a problem? Can this be remedied easily?
3) Being that I am a young guy, I would like proper density. I was thinking Medium heavy 70-75%. Which base could support this while still being undetectable to sight and touch?
4) Can I wear these to sleep and for how long?
5) How often does glue/tape need to be replaced?
6) Where is the list of experienced hair styles that do hairpieces?
7) Can Debbie at Split Ends salon or either hair piece stylists make the hair piece look like this only with black hair:
8) What density is the hair above?
9) Is it possible for the hair on the back and sides to look completely like the hair piece on top?

Sorry for so many questions, I hope you guys/gals can help a kid out. Thanks.
11-01-2012, 11:48 PM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
Hi NoHairNoFair,
Thanks for joining the discussion. You're doing the right thing by being pro active with your hair loss. Hair loss doesn't improve with the passage of time. Here's the answers to your questions.

1. We use Indian Remi hair. There's a lot of 'smoke and mirrors' in this business and one of them is the European hair thing. There are some hair supply companies out there that claim they will sell you European hair and charge you a lot for it--but it's really Indian hair. Indian hair is used in the vast majority of hair pieces. And you just pay a premium for what they claim is European hair. I've seen real European hair side by side with Indian Remi hair and the difference is undetectable. The cost for European hair is about triple that of Indian hair and
you just can't see the difference. For men's styles of up to 6" there is virtually no difference. And if you add styling product to your hair it just a non-issue. I have
seen women's systems with 16" hair and longer and the difference between the two becomes slightly noticeable. Save your money on this and don't fall for the scam.
2. We have many customers that work out regularly and play sports. We have the TL 600 Exercise Base that has poly all around (except for the front 1" which is lace for realism) and this provides a smooth solid surface for a strong attachment needed for a work out. We also have the TL 250 French lace with poly on the back and sides that is also strong and undetectable. Our customers swim, work out, jog, ride bike, play tennis, etc. without a problem.
3. Density is dependent on the density of your own hair on your back and sides. You want the density of the hair system to blend with the density of your own hair so that it is undetectable. You can send in a photo of your back and sides and I can better advise you on the proper density which will be contingent on your hair style. The only restriction on bases and density is the Ultra Lace TL 800--it's so fine that it can only hold densities of up to 60%. All the other bases can hold up to an extra heavy density. All systems are undetectable to the sight. However, systems with poly on the back and sides can be detectable to the touch. That's the trade off for using poly. To some people it doesn't matter--to others it's a concern.
4. Yes, you can wear these units when you sleep. We recommend that you sleep on a satin or silk pillow case as cotton both 'wicks' the hair dry and 'hooks' the hair causing it to break. The length of your attachment will depend on the strength of the glue and tape that you use. It's takes some 'experimentation' to see what you like best but most users go for 1-3 weeks before that need to remove the system, clean their scalps, and re-attach.
5. That's dependent on several factors such as body chemistry, lifestyle, frequency of washing, water quality, etc. Again, you need to experiment for find out what's right for you.
6. Please send an email to toplaceusa@fastmail.fm along with the city you live in and we'll give you a list of stylists in your area. If you live in a suburb of a big city please let us know the name of the city as we might have someone in the metropolitan area.
7. Yes. Debbie is very talented and can do any hair style.
8. That's extra heavy density 85-90%. His sides are medium density or less but the hair very quickly transitions to extra heavy. A young guy like you could pull this off--it gets tougher with age.
9. I assume you mean 'can the hair on the system match my own hair on the back and sides in both color and texture?' Yes--our factory will match both color and texture.
Glad to answer your questions.
11-02-2012, 10:21 AM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
Thank you for the response John.

So I can't have a base undetectable to touch and good for sports? Does poly feel like plastic? Would I have to have two bases, one just for sports?

Correct me if I'm wrong but from the base options I understand that the swiss is the most undetectable, french is a stronger more durable lace to protect hair from falling out, but what makes it more detectable than the swiss and how much more detectable? Ilace is two layers of lace for extra strength against hair falling out, but is it undetectable like the swiss? TL500 offers the best undetectability in the front, but strength in the middle. The Ilace and TL500 seem like the best options for both undetectability and strength against hair fall out, with Ilace being stronger, and 500 being more undetectable because of one layer of lace. If thats true than the 500 seems like the smartest option, depending on ofcourse how detectable the french lace part is.

Also some things I forgot to ask, what are the "clips" mentioned in the attaching tutorial, are they metal pieces or something that can be felt?
How exactly are hairpieces removed?
11-02-2012, 10:39 AM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
You can use an all lace base for exercising but you'll have to make sure that you have a strong bond. A strong bond with an Exercise Base will last for several days because the poly give you a flat smooth service to adhere to and it gives a more solid bond--there just more surface area to attach to. You can also get a strong bond with a lace system but it will not last for as many days as a unit with poly due to less surface area to attach to. Bottom line--you can exercise with the French lace base but as a trade-off you'll have to remove and re-attach more often. How often? Depends on your body chemistry, intensity of your workout, bonding adhesives, water quality, etc. It will require some experimenting to see what works for you.
11-02-2012, 10:56 AM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
Aren't these systems supposed to last for months not days? And does poly feel like plastic? And do the "clips" mentioned in the attaching tutorial made of metal and be detectable by touch?
11-02-2012, 03:28 PM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
Yes, they last for months. The recommendations I made will get you months of wear with regular exercise. Poly around the back and sides of a unit is unnoticeable to the wearer. The clips are made of plastic and can be detectable to touch. Clips are not recommended if you wear a unit to bed as it causes traction alopecia---the clips pull out the good hair that they're attached to. Clips are o.k. for wearing during the day if you take the unit off when you sleep.
11-02-2012, 08:38 PM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems
Hi NoHairNoFair,

Have you seen this thread and the pictures regarding I-Lace?

It may be of help to you.
11-03-2012, 12:35 PM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems (pics)

I can tell you I am a Indian/Pakistani (what ever you wanna call it, same sort of thing), however I am in Manchester, UK. Would love to relocate somewhere in California, as I just simply and truely hate the cold, windy, rainy weather here, its like hell on earth but a cold hell :-).

I understand your concern and will give you my best possible advise. The hair system's from TopLace are just great to wear, I have always had a Stock Unit (French Lace) which I am very happy with, although the (French Lace) at times can get hard to completely disappear at the hairline.

I am sure when you will get the Custom Piece, you will completely love it. The system usually lasts me around 4 months, and I a competing bodybuilder and train heavily at the gym 6 days a week.

If you are concern with your bonding then I would suggest you to buy Ultra Hold Glue and Ultra Hold Tape, this combination is very strong and gives me a good solid hold for 8-10 Days, if I am not going to the gym it will give me a good 2 weeks hold. I have attached my Pictures just have a look and see your self about how good it looks.

Now you also asked if the units are undetectable to touch, if this is what your lifestyle requires then I will say when you are attaching the system you will need to either tape/glue the whole head, this will give you a complete satisfactory but I will also make clean-up difficult.

One last advise, we asians have a darker skin and I have noticed that on our skin it is difficult to completely hide the lace, I dont know why but I have worked out a solution for this.

Get the tanning spray from a store matching to your skin color, then spray your head and the hairline area and then spray the tanning spray on the lace. This will give the skin and the lace excat same color and will make the lace hide completely.

.....Alveda .....Good Luck.....And stay away from Rain and Manchester and UK, it will ruin your life.....

Attached Files Image(s)
11-04-2012, 03:52 AM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems (photos)
I don't know, I am not sure I buy into the whole indian hair is the same as European Hair story. I think that is part of the smoke and mirrors. I agree that is what is used by probably 90 percent of the hair replacement out there. A lot I think lie and say it is European so that is probably why they are so similar. I can't see how genuine unprocessed European hair would be the same as indian processed. The indian hair is good enough for most people. but I will be honest. when you first get the hair its great, and smooth, but after a few washings the hair starts getting thick and dry. The thickness of the hair is my main problem. My remedy for it is to use product .. water, wax works, gels etc. This helps alot for me. I couldn't wear older systems with no product. With that in mind, my systems last me a long time. Most people would probably chuck the damn thing by the time the hair gets really screwy.

Ive seen a female wig one time made from European hair and the hair is a lot thinner
11-04-2012, 07:24 AM,
RE: Questions about toplace systems (photos)
Question for iwill - I am of Indian origin too, and I am curious about your method of spraying the lace with the tanning spray. How do you do it without getting any of it on the hair? Also, does it wash off when washing the lace/hair?

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