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Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
08-02-2012, 09:54 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Well my experiences are as follows(your english is good by the way) :-
1.I deal with hair wearing by getting it to look reasonable in direct proportion to how much time i put into it.I don't want to spend large amount of time on it.
2.I have dated woman many times,wearing boosts my confidence and makes me look better.I tell the lady when it gets serious and not before.If they have a problem,i would move on,but i have never had any issues,most woman don't care.I can say i have more success when im wearing than when i was balding.
3.Had many positive responses to hair wearing,and the main thing is i don't worry about hairloss anymore,it used to bug me before,i got tired of looking at some old fart in the mirror Smile

Regards topcat
08-03-2012, 04:44 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
I have had a period in my life when my replacement wasn't as good as it is now (typical thick "Club" unit), and it was detectable. I had to tell people I dated before they found out themselves. No one actually stormed out on me when they learned the truth, but being realistic I don't think anyone regarded it as an attractive feature either. It was a flaw that I was being up front about. The people I tend to want to date are decent and sympathetic, and I guess they acknowledged that they weren't perfect either, and decided that in the grand scheme of things they could overlook the fact some of my hair is fake. That was how it worked in my rather low-key lifestyle. I guess if you were some great Lothario concerned with hooking the hottest chicks in the nightclub every night you might get a less sympathetic response, and wearing a hairpiece would be more of a handicap in that situation.

It comes as a surprise to newbies, but actually you can get your piece to the point where it is functionally undetectable in everyday life, and it is not that difficult if you (1) use a good quality lace piece, (2) don't overdo the density, (3) opt for a easy-to-maintain hairstyle and (4) keep an eye on the color match. I think most people who post here achieve this, including me, so being busted is simply not an issue any more.

When I say "functionally undetectable", I mean undetectable to ordinary people in the course of ordinary life situations. Obviously if you have people excavating your scalp, or you get swept overboard in a hurricane then it will be detectable, but that's not real life.

I have dated people for months without them knowing anything about my hair. The only real reason to tell them is the fear that they will feel cheated if you keep it secret too long. Obviously, if you are going to live in the same house as someone, you are going to have to let them in on the secret.
08-03-2012, 07:52 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
@ Hersute

You make many very good points and I always appreciate the more active "handful" of members who consistently chime in with tips, help and advice.

I agree that a lot of these threads are posted with little or no information about the user. You said yourself that you wouldn't reply to this thread for various reasons and I agree with your logic. My point is that you wouldn't reply rather than turning your nose up with a snide reply.

I'm not trying to slam Anty, seems like a good guy but I think reply's like that are useless. I get aggravated because most of these posts are from brand new people to the forum who are typically already vulnerable due to the hair loss crisis they are going through. Just seems a little like bullying to me so I felt compelled to respond.

I just think that when people feel the urge to reply with the old "search the forum" that they think back and try to remember what all of this was like for them in the beginning.

Ok I'm stepping down from my soap box now Smile
08-03-2012, 08:48 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
I'm sorry to say I've been guilty MANY times of saying "search the forum"!
But, having tried to search the forum myself, I've given up saying that now!!

And I have also said "This has been asked many times before"
I think it stems from wanting to help but, being made to repeat yourself over & over, it begins to feel like no-one is listening.
I know thats irrational, as new people are joining the forum all the time, but its sometimes hard to resist saying it.
Its not meant to be a 'slap-down' to newbies (except in cases where the same question has been asked only 3 topics down!) and in future I'll try to be more sympathetic or zip it!
08-04-2012, 06:10 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
YEAH i take the point,
i think we live in a society where we want answers right here right now,
il take note , im typing this from the naughty step.
anty Smile
08-04-2012, 08:36 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
"It comes as a surprise to newbies, but actually you can get your piece to the point where it is functionally undetectable in everyday life, and it is not that difficult if you (1) use a good quality lace piece, (2) don't overdo the density, (3) opt for a easy-to-maintain hairstyle and (4) keep an eye on the color match. I think most people who post here achieve this, including me, so being busted is simply not an issue any more. "

I agree. If you achieve this, I think many women will not be too bothered by it. If, on the other hand, it is detectable...then that's another issue- and you can't really blame them, IMO.
08-04-2012, 09:57 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
defeats the object of wearing, i mean theres this indian pensionr i see him from time to time in the local mall, shopping centre,

he wears a black dense old fashioned thing on his head,
its seen but not mentioned,

the object is to look good and not be the object of mockery ,
i cant even equate it to wearing really bad wooden teeth.

anty Smile
08-05-2012, 12:30 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
"If you achieve this, I think many women will not be too bothered by it. If, on the other hand, it is detectable...then that's another issue- and you can't really blame them, IMO".

That's my view too Jstar. You try not to get paranoid about it, but there is no point in wearing a piece if people can tell it's fake. If you just want to cover your bald spot wear a baseball cap. Hairpieces only add value if people are fooled into thinking it's your real hair. I actually think there is something a bit pathetic about guys who wear a detectable wig, or obviously fake teeth, or women with obviously silicon tits. I don't want to be viewed in that light.

08-05-2012, 01:08 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Yesterday I was walking with some friends and clearly saw a guy wearing a club piece. None of my friends saw nkthing. I saw it obviously but I didnt stare at him to not bother him. but I would have loved to say.. hey mate. our liece is crap, trust me and get a good one in toplace, hd or whatever hehe
08-05-2012, 11:52 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
From my experience, going from a lace system with poly sides and back, to all lace has made a big difference in the feel of the piece. With the poly, it was easy to "feel something," but with the all lace, the fit is nearly perfect. Not that someone won't detect the edge of the piece with concentrated touching in that area, but the all lace is so much better.

I wear gel in my hair (actually, Got 2B Glue). I am married and of course my wife knows I wear a piece. Even if I weren't married and she didn't know, I wouldn't think she would want to run her fingers through my hair with the hair product in it.

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