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Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
08-01-2012, 08:16 AM,
Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Dear users,

first of all I got to apologize for my bad english. I'm from Germany and right now I don't have to use the language a lot, so that my english skills have nearly vanished over the years.

Nevertheless, here's my question for you "wearing-people":

I'm 25 years old and in a couple of weeks I'll be starting to wear a (fullcap) piece, or at least give wearing a try. Since I don't believe that it is possible to make a piece completely undetectable !EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY SITUATION, AT ANY TIME! , I have to be prepared (mentally) when it comes to the situation, where another person "detects" the piece.

1.)How did you - as some of you are experienced wearers - deal with such kind of situations?

2.)How has your dating life/ love life changed since you started wearing?

3.)Have some of you been "honest" about wearing since the first date with a girl and still not been rejected by her?

I just want to collect stories about how wearing can be dealt with when it comes to romantic/sexual life.

For example: "Since I started to wear, I had three girlfriends, which had no problem with it..." ...or..."Since I started to wear, I have been rejected by many girls, because they thought it was silly and whack to wear a piece.".

I'm looking forward to all of your answers and wish all of you a nice afternoon/evening/night,


P.s.:I'm glad, that there's a forum like this one, where one can get profund and important information about the whole wearing game,

Keep the good work up!
08-01-2012, 08:47 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
I've been wearing for a few months now and the only thing that has really changed is that I'm much more aware of where the other persons hands are, and I do find myself changing positions when I notice their hands going towards my head.
Tho I did ask one person who kept trying to run their hands thru my hair not to do it because I have some scars on my head which make it sensitive.. They said "ok then", and didn't touch my head again.

I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.. If properly attached, the odd brush of someone's hand on your head shouldn't matter.. But I'm still pretty new at wearing, and not psychologically ready to have someone's hands on my hair yet.
08-01-2012, 11:45 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
In my experience, when I was dating and losing my hair I was a little low on confidence, once I started wearing and was satisfied with my look, my confidence rose which made it much easier for me to approach and talk to women, so in that respect it was a big help.

I would never tell a girl on the first date I wore a piece, there's just no point in that. If things got serious, then I would talk about it and was never rejected because of it, the way I see it, if women can walk around with fake breast's (and I'm all for that) I can wear a system. If you have a good system it's really hard to detect. I dated hair dressers that couldn't tell.

Make sure you have the darn thing secure and if any female ends up trying to run here hands through it, it won't end up in her hands! I have to admit I would think of any possible excuse so they wouldn't be playing with my hair.

Whatever you do, stay away from transplants. At the end of the day a good system looks a million times better, trust me on that one, I've done it.
08-01-2012, 01:01 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Transplants aren't an option for me at all, just because there would be too much hairless space to fill. I would never be able to achieve a satisfying look by going down the transplant route (25 years and straight on my road to Norwood 6 or even 7).

So what you mean is, that none of the women you've been dating "knew" at the time of the first 1-3 dates? You told them about it, when things became kind of serious?

What about your friends? Do they know and if so: how did/do they react?

Thanks for your response so far,

08-01-2012, 02:31 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
08-02-2012, 06:29 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
this question could have been answered without posting, and searching the forum!!!.
and has been answered tens of times before.
08-02-2012, 11:07 AM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
That's what I did (search for threads with equal topics). But the answers given there never really "satisfied" my wish for exact descriptions. What I search for are "listings" of episodes in wearers' lives. Such as "I'm 28, been wearing for five years now and have dated five girls since then. Three of them knew that I was wearing but didn't seem to care about it, so that I ended up in bed/ in a relationship with them anyways..."...and so on.

The story could also be like "Four of the five girls I've been dating rejected me, when they got to know I was wearing. There was this one girl which said to me, that she found it childish and not man-like to cover one's bald head"...etc..

What I'm interested in and looking for are descritiptions of events that actually took place in wearer's lives...how they turned out...how the "wearers" reacted to it...if being "outed" had any psychological impact on themselves etc...

I'm sorry for not having been able to express correctly what I wanted to "achieve" by starting this thread, the speech-barriere can make things kind of difficult.

With the best wishes,

08-02-2012, 12:11 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Hey it's your thread... I wouldn't be apologetic about it. This forum is to exchange ideas and help each other out, it's for new users and old alike.

Someone could easily reply to damn near every single thread on this forum with that response. What they usually don't realize is that most people actually do a search first and don't find what they are looking for.

It's really a pet peeve of mine, it makes more sense to me to ignore a thread if you feel the subject matter has already been covered.
08-02-2012, 02:28 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
"So what you mean is, that none of the women you've been dating "knew" at the time of the first 1-3 dates? You told them about it, when things became kind of serious?"

Yes that is basically the best way to handle it. The best rules are (in this order) #1 Don't wait TOO long, and #2 Don't let her find out on her own before you mention it.

Most guys who have their act together don't really have many, if any, bad stories about women not dealing with it.

Not sure if the whole full cap vs. topper thing changes the equation at all.
08-02-2012, 06:15 PM,
RE: Love Life experiences with hair replacement - What has changed?
Porcupine (& TrumanCapote87),

I know what you mean and I agree the search facility on this forum never brings up what you're looking for.
But that doesn't mean the same topics haven't been covered time & time again.
Usually by the same responders, giving practical help & advice.
Only a hand full of forum members take the time to reply to questions & posts and it can be difficult to motivate yourself to write the same thing over & over again.

In my experience, it usually helps to talk about yourself & your situation a bit, before you ask others to spend time revealing their personal details.
TrumanCapote87 has told us nothing of himself, not even if he's losing his hair.

Invariably, these type of threads are started, people go to great lengths to reply and you never hear from the original poster again.

I wouldn't respond to a thread like this because its one of those questions that are about personalities and specific situations.
The replies are purely anecdotal and unless the situations & the personalities involved are identical, I can't see how the replies are relevant to everyone.
Interesting, yes.
Helpful, no.

But you're quite right, people can ask what ever they like, but I hope this helps explain why it may receive limited replies.

All I will add on this subject is a generalisation.
People wear hair to boost their confidence and help them to feel better about themselves.
If the actual result was regular social & sexual rejection, this would defeat the purpose and you'd have very few hairwearers.
So its pretty safe to assume this doesn't happen or can be avoided.
How you wear & deal with people is down to personal choice and entirely depends upon the type of person you are and the type of people you're involved with.

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