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Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
01-24-2009, 04:07 PM,
Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
I have been cruising this forum for a week or so, and I thought I might share my impression of the guys I have seen/read on here, totally from a randomn girl's perspective. I also study human nature in my 'real' life and job, so that experience no doubt does play a role here. These are traits that I have seen follow through the forum, and also to the few guys I know in my life that wear a unit like these.

The guys that tend to wear these:

*Tend to care a lot about their looks, but they aren't really the metro-sexual type that you would peg for a guy that overly cares a lot. The kind of guy that will watch his weight, but still do the 'sniff' test to see if he can wear a shirt that is lying on the floor.

*Tend to be more masculine than the average guy. Masculine in a 'man's man' sort of way. The natural leader in the group of guys that hang out in the pub.

*Most are confident in their appearance and chose to use these units as a cosmetic enhancement, rather than to lean on for a sense of identity. (I am not including the young ones, say under 30, that are still evolving their sense of ID in this).

*The positive reinforcement of this type of forum is important to them, but MORE important is the sense of brotherhood and shared expereinces that is derived from this type of community.

*They are better looking than average. I find this interesting, but I also think that it is more the demographic that would be active in this type of environment too, so it may not be the rule for wearers in general.

*Lastly they are fighters. Maybe not in the physical sense, but by and large these are men that knew they battled genetics coming into it, and in stead of accepting something society already has, they created their own rules and waged thier own private battle rather than surrender.

Like I mentioned in this topic line, I know these comments are unsolicited and ya'll can take them for whatever they are worth. But sometimes it is nice to hear from an outside voice, the third person that can look at things perhaps more nuetrally that you can attain.

That is just my observations Smile
01-25-2009, 05:18 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
You're right about the above average looking part :lol: :lol:

Actually, I appreciate this comment of yours. Thank you for sharing it with us. You're right, it is nice to hear from an outside voice, especially a female's perspective, since I know a lot of guys here have questions regarding how females would respond to guys who wear. I think your positivity would help many of us.

01-25-2009, 05:26 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
Wow..I haven't posted on this forum for a while but this post is excellent....you hit on all the points and very accurately I might add...a lot of what you said applies to me personally....you seem to know human psychology very well..keep up the great work.
01-25-2009, 06:28 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
great post. as the stylist that travels the world doing TOPLACE conventions, I have the pleasure of meeting all kinds of hairwearers........from all cultures and all walks of life....I can agree on all these points....especially that hairwearers are generally good looking people!! Smile
01-25-2009, 07:09 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
Hey i resent that, I am as ugly as a cariboose ass
01-25-2009, 10:07 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
I'll add one.....

-They tend to be hands-on types, or at least are willing to learn to be. A lot of people are intimidated by DIY hair replacement and will shell out thousands instead of hundreds every year rather than take on the challenge of learning to do it themselves.
01-25-2009, 08:04 PM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
Hmm. I dont really buy any of that. Although a nice gesture, I think categorizing guys who wear wigs might be like categorizing people with brown eyes. Im sure there are all different types that wear hair, with completely different personalities and looks. The only thing we really have in common, Is the need to improve our appearance. Or that we find that having our hair enhances us or makes us better then without it. Why else would we do it then? It probably is an important part of our lives so we form a community. So I would imagine that u would not get any great commonality in looks, personality, or otherwise, just because we wear. Thats putting wayyy too much weight and emphasis on a hair system then it truly deserves. Just my opinion.
01-26-2009, 02:45 PM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
JRob, that is a good point. Also you have met a lot more personally, so your (and Debbie's) grasp on this would be much better than mine. I do find it so fascinating that patterns emerge in these types of things. Amazing.

Xeon, mmm, interesting opinion. Although I wasn't graphing people the can 'use' a hair piece, but rather those that chose to, and more specifically those that chose to go this route. There are a lot of guys that COULD use a hair piece, but a much smaller number that DO use one, and then an even smaller percentage that select THIS method to use. To an extent it is profiling the personality type that does. Good psychology is usually a case of narrowing the focus to a smaller field and thereby creating a clearer picture.

I think it was more categorizing that demographic than anything. You are right though, there is an inherent danger of lumping a group together to a point that stereotypes develop, and each individual's motivations are minimized or trivialized. I didn't mean to imply that, or to act as though these hair pieces are the main focus of their characters. Choosing hair systems is a by-product OF your character, they do not create it, they reflect it.

At least you've got it better than that other guy, I HEARD that he looked like a caribou ass . . . oh . . . wait a minute Wink
01-26-2009, 07:09 PM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
haha nice...
01-27-2009, 07:16 AM,
Re: Unsolicited comments from a girl . .
Hmm. i never said those who can "use", I said those who wear. And I think the smaller percentage of people choosing this route has more to do with ignorance then a reflection of their personality traits. Many people do not know or realize you can achieve a good look afford ably and can do everything yourself without a huge amount of effort. A lot of people go to salons or HCM, or the other because they see these companies advertised on tv. It has to do with knowledge and advertising. We are just fortunate enough to have woken up and realized that we can get the same or better results for a fraction of the price. Any rational person would rather spend less then more for the same or better quality. For those who do not wear, or choose not to wear hair. Perhaps they are very confident and do not find the need to alter their appearance. Perhaps many of them prefer the look of a shaved head. Perhaps even more of them are just scared to wear. Maybe some do not know much about hair systems and are ignorant to how good they can look. Perhaps some lack the patience and do not want to deal with the maintenance involved. I guess you get the point.

Now I am sure you can draw some superficial traits from some of us who are here, trying to improve our appearance, but in my opinion that is the extent of it. I think you are going too far assuming that buying hairpieces online is a significant gauge to measure personality, which is a wide spectrum of traits. You even went as far as to say people who buy hair online are good looking.

There are many people on this forum who used to look like a bafoon with a very expensive artificial looking hair piece. They came here got educated and perfected their look. Yet if it wasnt for places like this, they probably still would be out there with a rats nest on their head. I think the personality traits are that hair loss effects us negatively and that many of us feel much more confident and more satisfied with life having hair on our heads. We are not the small percentage of best people / personality types who are here. We are simply a percentage of hair wearers who are more educated.

Now one last thing. Sorry for the long post. But probably many of you are wondering or angry why I am even bothering to argue on this post over something POSITIVE said about us. The reason being, is that I see the negative in it. It is putting so much importance and emphasis on wearing a piece. way more then it deserves. I like to think of the hair system i wear as a cosmetic change. Something insignificant like a piece of clothing. Not a big deal. Any gentleman or any asshole can wear a hair system. Just as anyone can wear a piece of clothing. When you start putting so much weight on something that shouldnt be stressed over, U might be able to make false negative observations as well. Why cant some other shrink out there make further observations and say we are all superficial. or that we are all lacking self confidence. Or that many of us are desperate, since many of us have been totally robbed in the past. They can go as far as to say we are phonies since we try to "fool" people. No i dont agree with any of those. But thats what happens when you put a strong significance on something that shouldnt be.

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