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Side Pics
06-28-2012, 12:16 AM,
RE: Side Pics
How do you find the European hair and is this a Toplace system? I used to want to get Euro hair too but lately I think it might be too thin for me. The Toplace hair is luckily the perfect thickness to match my own hair, wheras some other suppliers in the past have given me super thick hair that was hard to blend.
06-28-2012, 04:35 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Well for the first days all systems feel good so ill have to catch you up with that in a couple of weeks. For now the hair is thin and it also has my texture,. Its not from toplace i doont think they have european
06-28-2012, 07:16 AM,
RE: Side Pics
i totally 100% agree with Hersutes Statement,
and yeah its looks great!enjoy that feeling,you i suppose should never be feeling again,
if it wernt for intervention.
replacing a body part ,you thought youd lost for life,
hell how do you describe that,
that feeling of regained younger youthfull looks,priceless.
quote from Hersutes:
"Your picture got me thinking what a relative miracle it is that we can buy something & within hours sort out a problem that may have plagued us for years"
06-28-2012, 08:15 AM,
RE: Side Pics
So where did you get this unit from?
I'm impressed with TL but I'd like to have
the option to try European hair at some
point in the future.
06-28-2012, 08:28 AM,
RE: Side Pics
There is quite a debate about European hair.
John has said before that TL don't do it because its nearly impossible to guarantee that the hair really is European and not just highly stripped & processed Asian hair made to look finer.

You'd have to hunt around for a tried & trusted supplier to get authentic European hair and you can pay quite a hefty premium for it too.

But maybe worth it if standard hair supplied is dramatically different from your own.


I'm glad you said its like replacing a body part.
My hair mostly fell out over one weekend, a year after I stopped using Minoxidil.
It was quite shocking and I said at the time it was like waking up and having lost a limb overnight.
People thought I was being over dramatic at the time.
But thats EXACTLY what it felt like.
06-28-2012, 09:20 AM,
RE: Side Pics
@Porcupine I kind of find it "unethical" to say which company I bought it from on Toplace's forum, since this forum helped and informed me alot. All top vendors that we hear alot are top notch so the differences are minimal in my opinion.
@Hersute I agree with you that's why I want to see the piece in a couple of weeks. If it's fake the first thing I will do is not buy from that company again and try to inform everybody.
06-28-2012, 10:33 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Looks good!
06-29-2012, 12:01 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Yes that's the other thing about Euro hair: most of the sellers are just selling highly processed India hair. I got Euro hair from another seller once and it was definately not Euro hair and it wasn't even processed to appear like it. You can get the real thing if you know where to look but be prepared to pay 3 times the price of normal remy hair, or more. If you can source the hair on its own, you could supply it yourself to Toplace and maybe they could have the ventilators at the factory use it on your order.
06-29-2012, 02:48 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Won't it be great when we can just clone our own hair?
Maybe there will be 'hair-banks' like sperm banks where you can donate & store your follicles whilst you still have them, to be used when you don't.
10-10-2012, 09:29 AM,
RE: Side Pics
Hey guys just an update. I finally took the plunge and attached. My first impressions are pretty good. During the attachment I totally failed with the walker no shine tape and had to do a full bond with orwg. Are there any tips with that tape? It kept on sticking to my fingers and it lapped it self...I probably wasted half of it trying.

Anyway I can feel the glue a little bit, will this feeling go away after a couple days? Also can anybody recommend a leave-in conditioner until I receive "enhance"?

PS. I will be posting pictures tommorow Smile

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