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Lack of "comb-forward" styles? (photo)
06-21-2012, 10:07 AM,
Lack of "comb-forward" styles? (photo)
I enjoy browsing the forum when I have time and I especially enjoy seeing the photos that are often posted, but something I've noticed in the hair wearing community is the lack of comb forward hairstyles.

When I went to Apollo they looked at me like I was crazy for wanting a comb forward style and insisted that I go with the George Clooney comb back style style that 95% of the other clients went with. I stood my ground and went with the comb forward style and am very pleased with it.

I just wanted to get others opinions regarding this. Is the comb back style used to add to the realism of naturally growing hair? As a newbie I try to put the least amount of stress and work on myself and showing the hairline would have me on pins and needles afraid people were looking at it.

Attached is a photo I found that I think would be an extremely easy style to use and maintain. I plan to do something similar when my Toplace piece arrives in a few weeks.

*My post is not an attack on comb-back styles in any way or the people that wear them. This is just something I'm curious about as a new member.*

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06-21-2012, 10:11 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
I tend to do either or depending on my confidence with my current bond and hairline. Plus, mixing it up occasionally adds to realism in my opinion. Freestyle!
06-21-2012, 11:54 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?

I agree that you see a lot of swept back styles on hairwearer sites.
But it occurred to me that the hair is often shown that way because everyone wants to see the hairline when examining a piece.
So even if you wear it forward (as I do often like Amstat says above), when you post a pic, you know you're going to be asked about the hairline, so you slick it back, or at least lift it off the face at the front.
I like my days when I wear it forward, it feels like a day off!
06-21-2012, 01:28 PM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
I know two guys that wear hair and both of them do the pushed forward with the front spiked up. I think it's a great modern style and seems like an easy one to do with a piece. I don't wear yet but this is the style I would like to achieve when I dive in.
06-21-2012, 01:38 PM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
... ironically enough every time I comb my hair forward I'm guaranteed to get complements not sure if it's a changeup from my normal but I always do...
06-22-2012, 09:06 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
I agree w/ Hersute that we'll often see these swept back styles posted due to curiosity about the realism of the hairlines.

I would go even further and suggest that, for me, the fact that realistic hairlines are readily available w/ pieces these days, leads me to show the front to "offset" any areas where the piece may be more detectable. In my case, it's the blend at the back and sides. Exposing a realistic front seems to suggest, "see, this can't be a hairpiece ..." Wink It's the same idea as using products, highlights, and bold styles that the general public wouldn't associate w/ wearing.

I "lead" w/ something so natural looking, that it doesn't invite too much scrutiny into the aspects of a piece that might be less natural ... color, density, texture match, etc.
06-22-2012, 10:42 PM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
Furball - "Exposing a realistic front seems to suggest, "see, this can't be a hairpiece ...""

I agree with that actually. i too am much more aware/paranoid of the back and side blend than the hairline.
Plus, i always did a brush forward style before i wore a piece to try and hide my receding hairline. Now i have a better looking hairline than i ever have.. i want to show that off!

As for the original poster's question.. i would assume that most wearers also enjoy showing their hairlines cause they were probably limited to brush forward or combover styles before they started wearing.
06-23-2012, 01:18 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles?
I have worn this style all my life, even when I was young. Not a good picture but you should get an idea.

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06-23-2012, 04:35 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles? (photo)
For me the hairline isn't really an issue, nor is the blend on the back and sides. I don't know why so many worry about blending. All I do is bond a new piece, get the hair clippers set to my preffered length and trim my own hair and the piece hair. That gets a perfect blend as all thehair is the same length at the blend areas. Then I clipper my hair ever other day. It takes 2 minutes and keeps the blend perfect all the time.

The real concern for me is the crown. I have never had a realistic looking crown. With dark hair the knots are a problem and if anyone standing behind me in a long line took a look they'd see something was not right. I am working on a solution though.
06-23-2012, 07:04 AM,
RE: Lack of "comb-forward" styles? (photo)

Do you use standard type clippers? The reason I ask is that most clippers longest attachment is about 1 inch. I'm just wondering if you keep your hair that short as I would really like my hair shorter. Your method seems like it would be a very low maintenance approach.

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