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First timer pics
03-09-2012, 06:19 PM,
First timer pics
Before and after. Great cut in. Advice of where to go taken from here.
1b stock. Proflex tape with Vapon no tape glue at the front. Will be purchasing ORWG this week! i used a little paint brush which worked well. Still horrific though!
Another wearer was there. I believe he posts, but I won't name him without permission. He was brilliant, so thanks for helping me take the plunge.
Some more.
Not sure if stock has bleached Knots, but I've still got a lot to learn.
Exceptionally happy for now.
I waited a week before posting, so I could get used to it. Obviously noticed at work, but quite positive. After a couple of days nothing. The important thing was it passed the wife test!

I'm a bit worried about being 'the guy in the wig', but there was no getting round it and anyone new I meet hasn't got a clue (I hope!).

Many have said before, but i wish i'd done it years a go.

Thank you Toplace!

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03-09-2012, 09:12 PM,
RE: First timer pics
fantastic looking result! you look healthier with fuller hair. amazing how hair makes so much difference to one's appearance
03-09-2012, 09:29 PM,
RE: First timer pics
Hi Flynn..... looking good there now...great feeling isn`t it ? Stocks have bleached knots....can`t see any knots anyway as the hair is covering them ..you`d only possibly spot them at the front only, when wearing that style, but the front knots are always bleached....relax and enjoy it. It`ll all settle down within the next week or two ...they always look/act `lively` at the start. You`re over the biggest hurdle now...especially with colleagues and glad they were positive...attitudes are changing fast, especially when people see such good results.... hats off to you for just `going for it`. All you need now is a simple care-routine.....a regular de/re and cleaning, not too much shampooing if you can avoid it---hair will not be `dirty`as such.... I just use a leave-in conditioner 2 or 3 times weekly, daily spritzing with water, and occasionally a little Brylcreem . Dryness/ lack of moisture will be your main issue....anything which counteracts that will give longer wear-time as it helps prevent shedding. I always apply knot-sealer to my lace after a week or 10 days..... I just think it helps prevent shedding...others differ. Apply it very very sparingly ....only lightly dab at the lace/knots ....don`t `wet` the lace with it. Enjoy the new you!
03-10-2012, 05:18 PM,
RE: First timer pics
Excellent !
Great Job...looks very natural.
03-11-2012, 12:54 AM,
RE: First timer pics
I wish people would take pics outside, its so difficult to really tell how good it looks.
03-11-2012, 04:44 AM,
RE: First timer pics
Please dont let what I am about to write discourage you and I am glad you posted pics so we can see, I just feel that I have to be honest about how I feel.

First off....man I envy you with all that side and back hair !!!! but with that being said, I personally think you went overboard with density, you could have gotten by with alot less hair. I am going to take into account that since you ordered a stock piece that you were limited to what John had as far as his standard density and the A contour that his stock pieces are.

My suggestion to you would be to order a custom piece with less density and more along the lines of a CC contour front with a graduated staggered hairline, which in my opinion would have made your wearing of hair as close to having real hair as you can get, that is what having thick sides and back hair can do.

If you look at pictures 4 and 5 for front view and more importantly the 7th pic they are saying to me 80s and 90s hairwearing era .......to wiggy, or plain and simply to thick if you get my drift, and the last picture showing the back of your head, even with picture not being HD, you can see that the density or the blending in is not right.

When you applied stock unit all you did was shave all the thin area out and you customized the stock piece to fit the hairloss area right?

One more thing and I cannot say it enough, if you are going to want the best hairline possible you will not get it with tape period, you are doing the right thing by getting ORWG or whatevever glue you find to your liking.
03-11-2012, 06:58 AM,
RE: First timer pics
Wow....what a difference a little hair makes!

The density does seem a little high for making a transition from having very little hair but I think it works perfectly with the density of the rest of your hair. Looks like you managed to get an excellent blend as well.

If you manage to get this kind of result with your first unit you're going to be in pretty good shape with the whole hairwearing thing Smile
03-11-2012, 07:08 AM,
RE: First timer pics
Sometimes , cameras--especially digital ones--- can give an exaggerated look when snapping system pics. for some reason.... how many times have I read or said it myself when posting pics, that it can look a bit `off`in some respects, but in reality it`s ok....... having said that, I agree the density looks on the high side, but as it`s a stock, the density is no higher than medium and with [as noted by masterofmydomemain] the wearer has pretty good side/back hair , so I feel a medium -density should `sit` pretty well with that..... the very last pic., does look like a high density... that can be to do with the fact it`s new and still has `bounce`in it...... I think in a week or so, he`ll have a more settled-in look...... however, if he feels it needs to be thinned a bit, that can easily done as long as no knot-sealer has been applied...simply dab little blobs of hair-removal cream such as `Nair` or `Veet` as in this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPULkcyVD2Y actually there are a few other helpful vids on the right hand side on that page too regarding colouring a blonde piece etc. Flynn423 has at least taken the plunge, and he may have to do a bit of `tweaking` as many of us do, but I agree that stocks have their uses and also limitations...at least now if/when ordering a custom he`ll have `start-point` to reference from.....so his next system should be even better .... his stylist may have / be able to `tweak`his blend-in next week, with a thinning scissors, if he feels he needs it.... I often took a trip back to the stylist after a few days once the hair had settled down a bit, just for some minor `alterations`...... I`m just giving a little `view`and not being dismissive of anyone`s input whatsoever.... it`s good to exchange opinions , no matter what they are...cheers all.
03-11-2012, 10:55 AM,
RE: First timer pics
Cheers for the advice. I know I have some tweeks to do, and some things to learn, but I'm happy with the stage I'm at. Here's some outside. Most of the hair at the back and sides is mine (including the bit sticking up!). It's pretty seemless in that respect. Something is a little off, but I'm 100% sure what yet. Looking at these, I can't tell where it blends even though I know, so you guys definately can't!!
Part of the reason i waited to post was to get used to it. As I said, I don't think you'd know if you'd never seen me before, but I've still got some tweeking and learning ahead.

For some reason my first pics have an odd orangy color to them after I resized them. Don't think that helps much, but yes, the one of the back looks a bit crap. It looks better to the eye. Hopefully this does it more justice. Still better than Nic Cages Smile

I'm not too worried about the transition. My aim is to be the pin up boy for a great product as far as interaction with people I know.
People have been surprisingly good. Obviously they've noticed, although I've skyped to two childhood friends. One noticed only when I pointed it out, and the other not at all.
I posted fb pics because I just got specs last week, and nobody has said anything other than about the specs!!!
I'll try and dig out an old pic with hair. It's really not that much different, but as i said, there is something a bit off... and yes, I just shaved off the bum fluff, made atemplate, cut it down and stuck the sucker down. Thing a change of glue will help the hairline. I'm only 90% happy with it at the moment.
Hopefully this will encourage others to take the plunge, and be aware of some the nuances involved.

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03-12-2012, 04:58 AM,
RE: First timer pics
Just had a look at the new pics.... what I think would really help you on your custom order is to build in a higher front-graduation .... you said you think something is `off` a bit ---I reckon it`s that.... you need more of a staggered-density at the very front and it will be more age-appropriate, but it`s well blended-in at the sides and back...just needs a bit of `tweaking`at the front....

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