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im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
02-11-2012, 04:40 AM,
im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
so i was a happy wearer for the last 5 months (still my first piece by the way), then suddenly HERNIA. great, so i will have to go to the hospital, get surgery and stay there for 1-2 days afterwards. and there is no way out of this, the condition will only worsen until i have surgery done.

now telling them i wear and trying to gracefully navigate around the embarassment is just not an option. and i dont think it would intervene with the operation, or possibly become a problem for me in any way.

unless they want to attach stuff to my head for anaesthesia? do they? im so scared i dont know what to do guys. i still have an appointment to talk about the surgery and ask questions, but the anxiety is already killing me.

i searched the forum and stumbled on some old posts, some of which were relaxing, some of which not so much. maybe some fellow wearers have had surgery under general anaesthesia done before, and can tell me about any possible complications?

everything else is awesome over here, which is why i never stop by to say hello, sorry guys Sad
02-11-2012, 04:51 AM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get surgery)
(02-11-2012, 04:40 AM)waldojesus Wrote: so i was a happy wearer for the last 5 months (still my first piece by the way), then suddenly HERNIA. great, so i will have to go to the hospital, get surgery and stay there for 1-2 days afterwards. and there is no way out of this, the condition will only worsen until i have surgery done.

now telling them i wear and trying to gracefully navigate around the embarassment is just not an option. and i dont think it would intervene with the operation, or possibly become a problem for me in any way.

unless they want to attach stuff to my head for anaesthesia? do they? im so scared i dont know what to do guys. i still have an appointment to talk about the surgery and ask questions, but the anxiety is already killing me.

i searched the forum and stumbled on some old posts, some of which were relaxing, some of which not so much. maybe some fellow wearers have had surgery under general anaesthesia done before, and can tell me about any possible complications?

everything else is awesome over here, which is why i never stop by to say hello, sorry guys Sad
Yep ive had facial surgery while wearing a topper.... three times....
i never said a word...so chill.. unless youv'e got your hernia on the top of your head of course... lol
02-11-2012, 06:47 AM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
I think it's ok to keep quiet, BUT, if they need to put an oxygen mask on you (straps on side of face & head etc) when you've been brought round from anesthesia, or if you start to struggle when gaining consciousness, (struggling body/moving head on the pillow etc) then it should have been something you mentioned - I used to work in an operating room Smile
02-11-2012, 03:44 PM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
Quote:Yep ive had facial surgery while wearing a topper.... three times....
i never said a word...so chill.. unless youv'e got your hernia on the top of your head of course... lol

well yeah upon further research it seems unless its head surgery im fine

Quote:I think it's ok to keep quiet, BUT, if they need to put an oxygen mask on you (straps on side of face & head etc) when you've been brought round from anesthesia, or if you start to struggle when gaining consciousness, (struggling body/moving head on the pillow etc) then it should have been something you mentioned - I used to work in an operating room

do you think they will be able to tell? and why exactly should one mention it? does it make any difference? i would like to believe nobody will care/look twice ...
02-11-2012, 08:23 PM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
I recall reading that they can have concerns that glues/residues and lace materials which has/ had been exposed to sweat, could possibly harbour bacteria and cause an `issue` in the sterile environment of an operating theatre..... I think the best thing you can do is phone the main reception of the hospital and without revealing your personal details, just explain that you may have to undergo surgery there and ask what the general policy is. I can understand your concerns....best wishes with it.
02-11-2012, 10:38 PM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
operating theater isint totaly sterile, anyway i woudnt bother saying antyhing,
im sure if it was such an issue, or if there were historical issues with hair peices,in the "o.r,
many hospitals wordwide would have updated there policy and make patients aware of this.

no one to my knowlege has written a peice appearing in the lancet or any emminent periodical
regarding hair systems and surgery,unless its youre head there operating on.
anty Smile
02-12-2012, 05:39 AM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
Just throwing it out there, but if really concerned why not just debond and wear a baseball cap to the hospital? I know for myself I would not want to be seen out in public without wearing my piece or a baseball cap but for a hospital stay where I don't know the people I would just debond. Unless of course you are wearing and friends and/or family that don't know you do is your concern and they are gonna be at hospital.
02-12-2012, 09:25 AM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
You're going to have an interview at some point before the surgery, probably by a nurse-practitioner, maybe in person, or it might be by phone. If it's anything like the five or six surgeries I've experienced, one of the questions will be "Do you wear a hair piece, wig, or any hidden appliances?" For crying out loud, answer truthfully. They've heard it all and seen it all, believe me, and it won't surprise them one bit. When you answer "yes", she'll advise you on how you should handle it-- whether it's OK to leave it in place, or if you should remove it before coming in.

These medical professionals (at least in the states) are bound by federal privacy laws known as HIPAA, and they're not going to blab. Their jobs depend on it. Why take the chance that you keeping a secret could jeopardize your surgery for any reason over something like this?

Relax, and focus your energies on getting over your surgery! Good luck.
02-12-2012, 12:25 PM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
thanks for the infos guys. appearantly you really do have to take everything off. however i do have some options.

i could just not say a thing, i could sign a paper and assume full responsability for any complications due to my system (which kinda be a risky thing to do), and sometimes the anaesthesist will make an exception. hoping for the latter obviously, since the operation takes place around my abdominal area, maybe there is just no need for me to remove it? i mean my own hair is just as "insterile" isnt it?

and if i dont say anything, then while handling me they see it, and remove it against my will? can you imagine the embarassment of waking up post op without it on? would that happen...

im having nightmares. cant do anything about it though, will just have to talk to the anaesthesist and see what he says. i think i will just be honest. if he insist i take it off i will probably just go to a different clinic

again thanks alot guys.
02-12-2012, 08:23 PM,
RE: im horryfied guys (gonna have to get hernia surgery)
Waldo, I know some of these medical places can be very `` fussy``..in my opinion, if you did a full detach/clean/re-attach the night before, there should be no issue....your scalp and [system] hair would be just as clean as the rest of you .....in any case, they always put a head-cap on you for any procedures...... I was interested in your thread because I was diagnosed with the same condition a few months ago [ well ,a stomach hernia].... I wear a Fullcap..... I had to go to the hospital as an `out-patient` [day-procedure] to have the camera put down ...I didn`t take sedation, so was fully conscious for it....they put a head-cap on me, even though it was a non-invasive [surgery] procedure......it`s standard. I didn`t tell them I was wearing...never really entered my mind to be honest. If I eventually decide to have surgery to correct the condition, I will be in the same position as you now are. I can`t see why a topper or even Fullcap should cause any issue for anyone..they won`t be operating on your head and it will be fully covered in a head-cap with an elasticated perimeter.......and by the way, I also had a double-strap thing placed around my head [after the head-cap was in place] in order to hold a plastic thing [like a baby`s soother] into the mouth to hold it open, with a hole in the middle of it, through which they passed the camera-tube [endeoscope]..... it made no difference to anything , the fact that I was wearing...... they ask a few questions and tick a few boxes on a form before the procedure, and you then sign a `disclaimer`form [ if we butcher you --it`s your problem basically !!] --there were no questions on it regarding hair-systems. By the way, do you really really need to have this operation done ? It`s tricky enough I`m told i.e. not always very successful[stomach hernia]... I read-up about it on line and there was a forum I saw, where people were of mixed-views and had varying results too..... well that is a stomach hernia...maybe yours is abdominal, in which case you`ll have to have it done or it will worsen, but the fact that you wear should not be an issue in my opinion...... any patient who needed surgery to the head would have to just shave most of their hair anyway or in the case of a wearer, just simply remove the system, but for anything from the neck down, I can`t see what the ``big deal`` would be...as long as you`d go in with freshly-shampooed hair and a clean bond, there should be no issue.

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