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First order from Toplace
08-22-2011, 07:38 AM,
First order from Toplace
Placed my order a few days ago and sending my template and hair sample tomorrow.

At the moment I am doing a brush down, toppik, hairspray, hour in front of the mirror thang. For a long time I accepted this is the way it is but recently I have started to realise that my hair doesnt look 'normal'. This is pretty much down to the hairline, I can barely part the hair at the hairline and even with hairpsray it doesnt look right.

I do look like I've got a full head of hair but just a crappy haircut.

I am hoping with a small partial along the hairline I can continue to style it the same way but i willbe able to part the hair easily giving me a much more natural look and hopefully not use much toppik.

Its weird that I will probably look more natural with a wig than without.

I have thought of having a hair transplant and that remains an option but its been an option for years and I havent had one, so until I decide to have one (If that day comes around) why look crappy?

Its weird I often thought I was the only person spending all the time in front of a mirror, blasting my hair with toppik and hoping it looks ok but reading the posts on here I am not.

The only concern I have is the colour match I have various shades of brown and quite a lot of grey mixed in. Hopefully the guys at toplace can get a close match.

Can someone advise me what other stuff I need?

08-22-2011, 08:47 PM,
RE: First order from Toplace
I wouldn`t go down the `transplant`route if I had the choice..expensive and `invasive`in my book. I assume you are going to get your partial as a custom-made one rather than cutting a stock to size? The advantage there is that you can get some grey hairs put into it whereas a stock will not have grey in it....can you just clarify when your last question there is referring -to? Cheers .. Paul.
08-22-2011, 09:21 PM,
RE: First order from Toplace
Yes I am having a custom sent my template today, I asked for 40% grey, I gope this isnt too much but I do seem to be greying more and more each week lol.

My last question is what other accessories will I need. Glue, remover etc...
08-23-2011, 03:26 AM,
RE: First order from Toplace
That`s a lot of grey all right..you`d need to get that custom-made.....by the way, grey is usually man-made[fiber]so that in the event of you needing to color your hair, the fiber will remain grey and not take on the `new`color. I find tapes `fiddley`... I get irritated with trying to get a `start`on peeling off the backing strips etc.... then you have the fact that the perimiter is usually that bit curved too and not in dead-straight lines like the tape is, so you usually end up using glue at the very edge anyway ! lol. I know many wearers use tapes a little inside the perimiter and glue the outer bit.... for a partial I think I`d just use a glue to be honest...but it`s a good idea to have more than one to hand initially..... what works well for one wearer, will not necessarily do the same for the next person....you`ll usually have to try a few out before you get one which suits your own individual body-physiology. It can be a fairly large monetary lay-out initially, but after that, it`s ok once you settle on the best one for your needs. Have a look on Debbie`s site ..the link is on the Toplace homepage there..click on `` How to order`` down the right-hand side of the page...under option 3 there`s a link to Debbies site.... I also get yourself a bottle of Knot-sealer [under her `accesories`link] You can get some shampoo and conditioner and some lace-release and glue melter for cleaning the skin. Tapes are relatively cheap too..you might like to get a few different rolls to see if you can `get on` with them.....everything regarding expected bond durations is explained there too.... it`s a matter of personal choice.... no doubt you`ll have seen the various links posted recently on a few other threads regarding leave-in conditioners..I`d advise you to obtain at least one type .. it will pay big dividends in terms of prolonging the lifespan of your system. Read the `Info links for Newbies ` thread up top of the page too ...good helpful hints there too ..including tutorial on how to apply knot-sealer. Regards, Paul.
08-23-2011, 03:31 AM,
RE: First order from Toplace
Thanks paul.

I'm hoping to use a lot of my hair mixed in with the piece hopefully that will help with the blend. I really need something to help me part at the hairline as at the moment I have a big bunch of hair with no style, hopefully this new piece will give me a more natural look and if that goes well I might try cutting my hair a little shorter. We'll see.
08-23-2011, 06:41 AM,
RE: First order from Toplace
standbyme, been there m8, used to use med brown nanofibers for years,
in the early years they were great, well actually its Vice-versa , the hair was far thicker, and application was a breeze, but time moved on and my hair did aswell,
really making styling and wash day a nightmare i feared.
id wash style my hair and leave it syled for 3 weeks, to save the nightmare again.
but movng onto wearing a hair system brilliant!!!
you'd be better advised shaving the front +crown and wearing a topper(partial),long as youve got good remaining sides and back.
will you be exposing the hairline?
iv been wearng now for,nearly 11 months,
and ca say i get no more , dodgey weird up to the hairline looks
i actually got a load of compliments from women when i started wearing,(liking the hair !) ect
no one says anything if youre wearing a really bad wigg, it a no go area,
the thing with concealers, you can get so used to seeing what is normal for you , that even if it looks strange you cant see it.
short of a transplant, you really realy!!! cant do better than a modern well matched, cut in hair system.
they really are worth the time.
anty Smile
08-23-2011, 07:31 AM,
RE: First order from Toplace
Cheers anty. I hear what your saying, as I wear my hair pretty long you really cant tell I'm using concealer, especually as I style it in a way the hair is think anyway. I think the problem comes when the hair is so thin or the hair is so short that concealer simply doesnt work very well and it becomes obvious.

I wont be exposing the hairline I will continue to brush the hair down but its very hard for me to part my hair so I end up looking like an ex beatle (the band) but scruffier lol. I look like I have a really thick head of hair but a really crappy style and its beginning to bug me.

I'm hoping a small piece along part of my hairline will make it possible to part the hair much easier allowing me then to style my hair better. Plus hopefully that will also allow me to not use as much toppik, I might still use a little to blend the piece with my hair, but hopefully it will only be a small bit, but I might not need any concealer at all.

I could probably go for a partial but I still want to use as much as my own hair as I can, It makes me feel more comfortable.

p.s. And I hear what your saying about washing your hair, I went usually 2 weeks before washing it because I knew it would be a nightmare styling it, I still only wash once a week. Like I said before I thought I was the only one but I guess not.
09-02-2011, 07:53 AM,
RE: First order from Toplace
40% isn't that much grey, check my post on Gone Gray, my first pieces were 40% gray I think.

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