08-16-2011, 02:52 AM,
what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
hi guys!
so my template & hair sample are currently on their way to the toplace headquearters. however i also want to order a stock piece, in hopes of it arriving before october. now i was thinking, since i am sending a hair sample john could just choose a stock system that matches my hair, but then it ocurred to me that that might not be possible with stock systems. i didn't find very specific information anywhere on the site.
so can anyone help me out? i know that i can't choose the lace and dimensions, but hair color is kind of critical isn't it?
so excited and looking forward to wearing!
have a great day everyone.
08-16-2011, 03:35 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Just e-mail John and ask him to `match` a stock [size-wise] to your Template when it arrives to him and before he sends it off to the factory. They come in 2 sizes..the fact that your Template is in transit to Toplace will make it simple to select the nearest size in a stock.....you should have your stock within a week or so.......they come in various colors too so John will do his best to get the nearest match to your hair sample, but don`t expect it to be `exact`...you may have to disguise `things`by simply using a bit of wet-look gel..... hopefully you`ll get a good color-match.....you can always use a coloring product if it comes to it.... also remember...ALL new system hair can look very `stark`/shiny etc. when brand-new...a few washes etc. will make it look duller, so it will `match` better with your growing hair..... see what it looks like on arrival...if you need advice on doing a bit of coloring at that point, just post a question here ..... by the way...what is [approximately] your own hair color now ? Black ? Brown? Blonde? Cheers, Paul.
08-16-2011, 05:32 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
thanks alot for the input. my hair color is a dark shade of brown, wich is probably very common so there should be wide range of stock pieces to choose from right? i guess using some kind of coloring method wouldn't be too much of a problem either, if it comes down to it. i will definitely ask for advice here before doing anything like that, out of fear of ruining the piece
to be honest im not that worried about a 100% accurate color match, because i use ridiculous amounts of styling products anyway. but still i would obviously want the best i can get.
08-16-2011, 05:53 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Ah yeah ..that should be no bothers.... probably a `1b`will be a really good match.... sounds to me that you should be fine.... the `Back2natural` color/conditioner will help with any initial color-blending in your case.... I actually have a bottle which is almost full [ it`s for color 1b] and I`m not going to be using, as my new fullcap is a color `1`[Black]..so will pop it in the post to you if you like....you`ll have it to hand then, should you need it.. I won`t be using it again..would rather see it used than get thrown out..... you can mail me at martrans@utvinternet.com I hate wasting anything [food, products etc.] so would be happy to see someone making use of it..cheers. Paul.
08-16-2011, 01:20 PM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Would you also be able to choose a curl, wave, straight hair option on a stock piece?
What about density? Do stocks come in various densities?
Also hair direction/ventilation. Can this be specified in a stock?
08-16-2011, 06:30 PM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Stocks are `standard`.... which is why guys order custom-made, i.e. so system is made to customers` specifications and [importantly] follows the contours of the individual skull-shape for a good fit....... density on stocks is medium, freestyle, and [ I think] bodywave. They come in two sizes..you measure your thin/bald area front-to-back and side-to-side.....the nearest size in a stock will be sent ....this means you may possibly have to cut/trim the base. Paul.
08-17-2011, 06:33 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Thank you Paul. You covered everything with your reply.
08-19-2011, 04:46 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
thanks alot for the help paul. and thanks alot for the offer, but since i live in europe it will probably end up costing you. i have one more question i was hoping you could help me with. is there a forum post that lists all known types of glues, glue removers and tapes and maybe has like little pros and cons or something of that kind? i have read about some guy who kept losing his piece while he slept, because he bought the wrong glue and im scared of that happening. i am also very active, workout alot and get all sweaty so i would probably need some special kind of glue. cheers
08-19-2011, 08:56 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
Hi waldo.... I `m not aware of a comparison site.... there are not a huge number of such products really.... if you have a look at Debbie`s site, there is a small explanation alongside most of the products giving approximate expected bond durations ... it`s difficult to give a precise time due to `local`factors such as climate/humidity and also an individual`s own body physiology and lifestyle... your best bet is to order a few different ones initially and then see how you get on with each ..you might like sometimes, to have a shorter-term bond so having a `weaker`glue and tape to hand is helpful.... http://www.splitendshairreplacement.com/...ds_002.htm I`ll post a few other links here now for your information..... you can also compare prices.... I`ve always found Debbie to be competitive on price and delivery is always prompt too..... the link to the `Enhance`` leave-in conditioner might be of interest to you ...it`s a UK -based company and the conditioner is the one I use mostly. The `Crowned Beautiful` site has some helpful hints on hair-care and how to get good bonds...it might be of interest to many wearers. Finally, there is no problem for me to pop that bottle of Back2natural in the post to you ...it`ll only be a few Euros as it`s not heavy,so if you`d like it, just pass me on your contact details by e mail and I`ll be happy to send it---you`ll find it very helpful. Paul.
08-23-2011, 03:16 AM,
RE: what specifications can you give when ordering a stock piece?
thank you so much again paul! these links really help. i'll drop you a pm - looks like it's been disabled. is there any safe way to give you my adress? and don't hesitate to let me know if there is any way i can return the favour