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Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
07-31-2011, 03:39 AM,
Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
When we're staring at our hair all day in the mirror, it's hard to take a step back and see it as other people might see it.

Your thoughts please. Smile
08-01-2011, 10:21 PM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
I'm not wearing at the moment but yes I would worry. I'm a born worrier anyway, and not one of those people who could shrug off criticism and say 'I don't care.' When I get my new hair I'm going to ask my brother for his opinion. I know he will be will be brutally honest. I would hate to think people are teling me what I want to hear then sniggering behind my back.

These are my two biggest worries, standing in a slow moving queue and people staring at the back of my head. The other is crossing the road, at a pedestrian crossing, it's windy and they are just waiting for me to cross....FREAKOUT! Smile

Do you worry JT?
08-01-2011, 11:45 PM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
That's a very interesting reply. Yes, I worry too. I have the same concerns as you in fact.

I hate standing in queues. I think my fear stems from when I started balding, I hated people looking at my thinning hair. I would always avoid a slow queue.

Today, I wear a full cap and it's funny on some days I think it looks really good. Other days I think, 'oh no, it's looking a bit wiggy'.

I have to confess that I am not a full time wearer. I mainly wear one when going out to restaurants, bars, etc, where the lighting isn't all that good.

I guess I am lacking in confidence. Smile
08-02-2011, 01:52 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
no worries here, if people are looking at me I look at them and smile. lol.
If your piece is light in density it wount look like a wig.
08-02-2011, 03:01 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
Know going into this that I'm 22 and am already wearing.
I'm not a guru at any of this - I'm using my second front partial system and I'm on month three.

Bungle - Trust me when I say I understand your concerns. You need to understand that the people that know and love you the most will probably notice if it's a drastic change. My girlfriend, one of my best friends, my mom etc... but then again I saw a girl I've known since I was 3 years old and she still has no idea. She even ran her hands through my hair the other day and said "God your curls have never changed".

I lacked confidence for the first few weeks. I even wore a hat. The pieces look awesome though man. Even my first piece, that I basically ruined, looked great to everyone. You're gonna get some stares from the people you know. The real test are the new people you meet. I use some intense glue - I'm an athlete - the piece never moves on me.

It's possible to make this work. I made it work. I went from looking 26 or 27 back to the age of 22. The results are worth it.
08-02-2011, 03:04 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
This is the thing that makes me wonder if we are all deluding ourselves about the visible undetectability thing JT, Mr. Hair right? I reckon, I have spotted every single t.v and film wig there has ever been, with possibly two exceptions. Now, if the film and t.v studios can't make a wig look like a real head of hair, what the hell chance do I have with my DIY and stickytape approach?

I'm am really itching to give this hair wearing a go, but at the same time shitting my pants!

If this hairwearing doesn't work out, then I'm gonna shave what crappy bit of hair I've got left and join the hairy Krishna's, I swear to God I am!
James, that's real good to read. My nerves at entering into this sometimes get the better of me. The way I think about it is I can hardly look any worse than the disgusting slaphead I see in the mirror.

Good luck to all of us.
08-02-2011, 06:00 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
JamesJr 's comment says it all!!!!!!
"It's possible to make this work. I made it work. I went from looking 26 or 27 back to the age of 22. The results are worth it. "
thats why we do it.
anty Smile
08-02-2011, 06:54 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
If you worry too much your mind will play tricks on you, even though I haven't started wearing yet I figure that if I look better with a piece than without then screw what people may or may not think. At the end of the day hair frames the face, if you can pull off the bald look then great...unfortunately I can't. You only get to live once, you might aswell look your best. If your teeth got smashed out would you get them replaced with artificial teeth? Would you worry about them looking fake?

I've had thoughts like yours but the stigma that's been attached due to bad pieces is part of that, just look at some of the results these guys have had they're great!

I'm looking forward to wearing, the person who notices hair the most is yourself...people generally don't study hair.
08-02-2011, 07:08 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
I'm looking forward to wearing, the person who notices hair the most is yourself...people generally don't study hair.
top comment above by " tooyoungforthis"
hey im a worrier, anxiety, if i can wear with confidence, bloody hell anyone can.
i even get jealous looks,wish i could spike my hair like that (he he)
i finaly got the hair i wanted, instead of naturally frizzy hair, i bought slight wave.
and love my current peice, ill be sad to retire it.
the girls, woman seem to love it.
loving the old attention back
ANTY Smile
08-03-2011, 04:18 AM,
RE: Do you worry your hair looks like a wig?
I have been wearing for year now. The key here is to get a good cut in initially and then style your hair with some good product that are alchohol free.

Before wearing hair, i never looked at peoples hair or hairline. An average person does not care much unless it looks really bad or crying out that it is a wig.

So don't sweat too much about it. Just make sure you use proper glue/tape and style it appropriately and you are good to go....

just my thoughts...

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