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New and Tentative
04-06-2011, 12:20 PM,
New and Tentative
I am a brand new member here. I am not new to hair replacement, but new to the newer style (Lace) systems. I have been wearing an "off the rack" hairpiece for over 20 years. I have always been able to do a front cover style and get away with it. Although I am completely bald on top, where my natural hair is still growing it is thick and heavy, so I was able to wear one of the rather full stock pieces. But it is time to move up to a better style, more fitting of my age and I can't do that with the old system. So I am probably going to be asking a lot of questions. I am used to slapping it on, smoothing it out and go. I have never dealt with adhesives or many of the other products that I see being discussed. I have used Red Line tape almost exclusively from the beginning. Nothing more. Daily wear, remove at night. I am interested in a unit that I can wear for several days at a time before removal and cleaning. I look forward to getting good advise for this old new guy. One of the things that I am interested in is getting the piece styled so that I can try it out of the box. My current supplier (salon) is not too keen on doing a cut in on a unit that she did not order and the ones that are available through her are at least twice the price as TopLace. Have any of you had Debbie or anyone style your unit and then mail it to you, and if so how did that work out?
Thanks in advance
04-07-2011, 07:06 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
im sure you'll get things soughted, been wearing 6 months , in about another week.
p's i started with a one woman salon after a recommendation from this forum.
was £200 all in system+cut in +bond
never been bnack in bout 4 months.
i know my clean up takes time,after 2+wks
but i also know its dam worth my effort a hour.
because it looks bloody briliant.(so happy)
once you know how, still learning, love my lace front.
bought a skin system, never worn it. maybe someday.
just done a front touch up after two weeks.(looks brill)
will wear another week and do a full de bond and clean.
yeah yeah i know its harder the longer you wear, but iv got my routines now.
really enjoying megga normal looking hair,
never had anymore weird eyes moving to the hairline looks of people.(pre wearing days using concealer)
enjoying my new freedom

p.s coincidently had a cold call from advanced hair clinic,
just kinda seid not intrested, short and sweet.
04-07-2011, 08:45 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
Hi Gadd,

Welcome! I have done exactly what you are thinking. I had Debbie cut my system to the size of my template and 'style' it. The styling was alright in the sense that I removed excess hair, but it was no where near blended in, and the girl here still have to cut and style it. If you use Debbie, just have the stock system sent to her and send her your template. The girl I use here in Phoenix would cut it to template size and style as well if you wanted to use her. From there you will still need to have it blended. I can't imagine your stylist turning away business, especially if you already have the base cut to the right size. If she does, find a new one. John has a good list of people, and if he doesn't have one, ask the forum for a recommendation for one in your area.

Regarding adhesives, I use Ghost Bond and bond for 3 weeks at a time. To do this I use this process: 4 total layers, apply a layer let dry clear before applying next layer. Once all 4 have been applied, set a timer for 7min to let it cure, then attach system. I do also put tape on the bottom of the system besides the front, but this is more so that the glue isn't directly on the lace all the way around. Makes clean up much easier. Smile

Feel free to ask any questions!
04-07-2011, 08:35 PM,
RE: New and Tentative
Hi Guys.. I`ve never had a system styled-in by Debbie but had considered it in the past.....now while I`ve never seen any negative feed-back on here [regarding Debbie`s styling service]as such, personally, [ just me `` thinking aloud`` now ] I reckon if I did have Debbie style it, once I actually put it on my head for the first time, there would naturally be `bits` that needed a bit of a nip-and -tuck, and ANY stylist would have no bother obliging with that as it would only take a few minutes. Just tell the stylist that it`s a system in case they `flake away` with scissors etc. and snag/tear the lace on you. I mean once Debbie had done the `heavy`work, all it should take is a little `fine -tuning` and ANY stylist can do that, once you explain to them. Hair is hair and just because it`s attached to an artificial scalp...what`s the big deal????? I reckon if I received a system styled/cut by Debbie, and did my first bond, and I walked in to ANY salon and just took a seat and told the stylist I`m wearing a system and would she just finish off the blend-in for me, she`d hardly refuse. Paul.
05-05-2011, 10:49 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
Hey guys, I also need feedback on sending my unit to Debbie how does this work? I would need her to cut of the extra lace down to the graduated front hairline, apply the knot sealer, then cut it and style it. Is there a phone number where she can be reached because I would feel much more comfortable with talking to her via phone rather than e-mail for this. Does anyone know how much she charges for this?
05-05-2011, 02:43 PM,
RE: New and Tentative
I forgot to ask if custom units come with the extra lace cut exposing the hairline where it begins? This is my biggest concern, my custom is coming in another week and a half but since my old unit had compltely fallin apart ( a low quality one at 4 times the price from a hair replacement center) I had John overnight me a stock which I already pretty much ruined the front hairline by not cutting the lace evenly and using to much knot sealer so you see specs of bright white along with unevenly exposed lace. If I had to do this myself again I do not think it is going to come out right where I can actually expose the hairline as many of you guys have mastered judging from the pics I have seen. I am waiting to get a response to see if Debbie does this so does anyone have her e-mail address? I am hoping there is also a phone number where I can contact her directly.
05-05-2011, 09:20 PM,
RE: New and Tentative
Her contact details are on that page. Trimming off the excess lace is pretty simple really [not being `smart`with you] ...just take your time and trim it with a good/sharp scissors `parallel` with the hair -line... don`t cut it right in to where the hair starts.... allow a few millimeters to remain...you can do it in stages rather than going `` for broke`` with the first cut.
Knot-sealer: There`s no need to apply it immediately to a new system...allow your system time to `` settle in``, especially with a freestyle, as it needs to be `trained` into your preferred style.....wait until after the first one or two washes..then apply it VERY VERY sparingly. I have a bottle here and it`s just over three-quarters full..yet I have sealed at least 5 systems ...you should look through the helpful ``Info links for newbies`` thread up top ...there are tutorials on how to apply it. I use one of those circular cotton pads women use for removing make-up etc..... I don`t soak the whole pad...just a patch, and gently dab at the lace.....don`t press hard into the lace or make it look wet...that `s too much and it will simply go through and make clumps in the hair... you just need to go easy with it..... in this game, no matter what it is, less is usually best....Paul.
p.s. ALL lace systems come with `extra/ spare` lace which has to be trimmed off.
05-06-2011, 02:59 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
Thanks Paul, always helpful. One other question though, I was originally planning on wearing the system covering all of my hair in the front but after messing up the hair line a bit i decided to were it a quater to half an inch behind my existing hair line ( which looks bad and really thin right now because of suffering from schock loss after a transplant and waiting impatiently for the new hair to come through) because of this I can only use the white non sticky contoured tape. I'm waiting on an order of got2b glue from amazon and would like to cover all of my hair in the front with the system but afraid of seeing the unevely cut lace. I know that the got2b stuff is safe for the hair follicle because it is just gel but when it dries will the lace be invisible? I'm hoping it is this way so the hairline will look more real and I can cover up my hair compltely until it grow's in. It's hard to believe that the lace dries invisible but I've seen all these pictures to prove, sometimes it's more noticble with certain people judging from the pics I've seen but I guess that all depends on how it's used and how it's applied, I'm just hoping I will be able to get this effect with got2b.
05-06-2011, 05:28 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
My advice is you can use the Got2b for the most of your head...but for that very front bit, you`re better off using a normal glue or tape....the Got2b is not so great on the very front bit...when u say you`ve messed up the front hairline, exactly how do you mean ? Have you cut into it or what? If it`s just a tear /cut in the lace, it won`t be visible once glued/taped down at all....... you say it`s cut unevenly----well if you just style to hair down over it, it won`t be noticeable really...it`s hard to be certain without seeing a pic....Got2b is really good/strong/easy to use and de-bond, but I found the front bit was inclined to lift .....a thin layer of glue was better to hold it at that point.... if you position the system back behind your natural hairline, it might look `odd`.....in any case, glues and tapes will not cause any actual `damage`to hair follicles....the follicles are below the surface as such..these products have been used by countless people .....the only negative thing I have ever seen is people`s skin not `agreeing`with a particular product resulting in itching/redness .....that`s an irritation as such and normally changing your product will sort it out...it doesn`t cause any harm to hair-roots themselves...... Paul.
05-06-2011, 06:34 AM,
RE: New and Tentative
I have sent debbie a unit for a cut in once before. For me, I had to do tweaking and blending when I got it, I couldn't just throw it on my head and go. So keep that in mind, it might be the same for you. So become familiar with basic blending techniques. I suggest you buy a razor comb or thinning sheers. Its very simple to use. I think the best thing you can do if you go that route is to make her job as easy as you can. Send her photos of a hair style you want that is clear so she can go by that. You could even send her pics of ur back and side hair to give her an idea of texture and length she will be blending.. Whatever you can do to help her, the more chances of your unit coming back the way you want it with less tweaking.. My system was difficult because I have a very irregular shape and temple flaps so I had to do more tweaking than u might have to.

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