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Anyone get itching with supertape?
02-18-2011, 01:06 AM,
Anyone get itching with supertape?
This is my 5th day of my attachment. The itching is annoying, not unbearable but getting there. I don't know whether to hold out until Sunday, when I can relax and do a reatachment or do it today.

How do you get rid of the itching?
02-18-2011, 03:57 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
Hi Henry --just a suggestion .. I `ve not yet used those stronger tapes, but if/when I go for a larger system later in the year, I`ll be using them.....now to your issue...either you are `sensitive`to something in the tape- adhesive, or it may just be trapped perspiration ...I`m wondering if you applied `scalp-protector` before you do your bond, would it provide a barrier between the tape - adhesive and your scalp skin ? It`s used mainly for oily skin types and provides a good foundation for adhesives to `take`to..... it`s on Debbie`s site and is reasonably- priced......it`s just an idea I had.....maybe others will have other ideas ? Paul.
02-18-2011, 06:48 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
Let me just say something about super tape. I have used a lot of different tapes and glues over the years. and I never got a bad reaction really. Super tape is the only tape that reacts on me. I have tried different packages from diff vendors and I still get a bad skin irritation. I get an itch, and red bumps. I am a believer that there is something not kosher in that tape. I say this because like I said i have used so much stuff and that is the ONLY product to do this to me consistently.
02-18-2011, 07:17 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
update: Reading as stated on the bottle [ scalp-protector] `` Prevents irritation from Tape and Adhesives``...so I`d say worth a try.
02-18-2011, 07:33 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
I'll give the scalp protector a go, cheers.
02-18-2011, 07:41 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
Of if you find scalp protector is a pain to get off your skin. Try using got2b glued freeze spray. It forms a barrier like liquid bandage but is probably a lot easier to remove. I never tried scalp protector, but I tried liquid bandage and I didn't care for it. It used to flake off my skin and the parts that didn't were a pain to get off my skin.
02-19-2011, 03:58 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
i got a better idea..i am guessing u swear alot. right?? at 5 days its getting late to change tape . try 2 things clean at 3-4 days or switch to differnt tape..blue liner etc...i am guessing at 5 days you are over due to cleanup causing rash like systoms and itch....try sleeping bald overnight to let you head airout some
02-19-2011, 05:46 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
Just to let you guys know. I was getting a rash from supertape not even sweating and only wearing for like 3 days
02-19-2011, 08:33 AM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
oic . this is why i went from hcm type bonding years ago to all around tape blue tape and coolpiece nonresidue tape in giant roll cut to fit...i use non residue on back and sides and blue on frontal..if i must get a great front i use some of my glues for frontal at times but tape can look real and look good if done correct....i do not miss that glue in brown bottle smells like contact cement i forget the name.
02-19-2011, 12:29 PM,
RE: Anyone get itching with supertape?
Super tape is the only tape I have ever gotton a red spot where the tape was. Something is wrong with that tape.

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