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Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
02-15-2011, 10:41 PM,
Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
OK guys... rather than fill up the other Thread with more pics [Fullcap template] I decided to do a new thread for convenience. Henry had said I have `good`side-hair......well, as I said, after sleeping on it, I took 2 pics this morning [the natural light wasn`t great as it was early] so I think you`ll be able to see the problem I have...... the hair looks ok when it`s been washed/ `fluffed up` but once it gets wet [like if I`m out on a hot day cutting the grass and sweating] it just literally goes into rats-tails and you can TOTALLY see the scalp..... it`s continuing to thin too so I reckon I have no choice but to either trim the template at the sides and back so it`s approx. a 3/4, or just leave it as it is which is fullcap..... obviously if I go fullcap, I don`t really want to be bothered with [colour] blending issues which you have to take into account when going partial/topper, so I can leave my own grow down a bit more at the back there so it looks `real` ... I`m not too bothered about the sides as the perimeter is down low enough I think?
I`ll go Swiss lace, possibly a strip of poly on either side but not at the nape ...... due to the `movement`there, you`d need the `stretch` of lace. Have a look at the temple area there..... I `ve adjusted the template there so that it`s just a few millimeters in `behind`the growing hair....I`m hoping that that will give a realistic `blend` there [to the eye].... I`m going to see how the new topper which is due, will look at the back with the slightly higher density I asked for, after that`s cut-in I`ll make a final decision on the `future` and will of course do a post with pics and ask for your input. Anyway, I`ll await your comments with interest guys. Finally, [for ``Drew100`] you asked about the making of the template..hope you found the pics of snipe`s template-making of help......I simply misted the scalp with water [this prevents the clear wrap film from moving about on your head] Then I took a long length of wrap and sat it on the head, and tied it under the chin [reasonably] firmly. I then `strengthened`it with strips of tape side-to-side, and then front-to-back. I then placed another strip of wrap from my forehead to the nape......then applied more strips of tape across the back area[ear-to-ear] etc....I gently and carefully made a cut in the film to allow the ears to`pop out`...this allows the template to sit more snugly into the head at those two points...you can then add more sticky tape to give the whole thing rigidity...... I drew my black line on it after the second layer of film ..it`s just to more or less mark the outline of where you think you`d like the final perimeter to be ..you should leave at least an inch to an inch-and-a-half of excess material on it when you take it off for the first trim........I hope that`s of help. If you cut it a bit `short`you can simply add more sticky tape over the area to build it back up......ok guys...over to you !!!! lol, Paul.
P.S. I took the advice of a poster there a few days ago [apologies I can`t recall just this minute who it was] ..but I have trimmed the front so that it`s to the shape of a contour -strip ,thus allowing me to either use contours `snugly`at the front, or glue if I wish to on any given day.

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02-15-2011, 10:48 PM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
ii think you will end up with a large forehead...you should go with sides a bit more forward...
02-15-2011, 10:53 PM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
Hi andrei... what I`m trying to do is show a bit of `recession`there .. I`m 52 yrs of age, so having a full load of hair there might look odd for my age? I`ll certainly bear it in mind though...thanks for that. Paul.
There`s a pic of the left side.... do you still think there`d be too much forehead visible ?

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02-16-2011, 01:47 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
I think that would be a home run. As you have a strip of your own hair at the back, you shouldn't have issues with lifting when turning your head. And even those few hairs of your own at the sides will make it look realistic. What density are you thinking of going for?
02-16-2011, 02:07 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
Hi again Henry.... do you now see why I`m kind of backed into a corner due to the thinness of the hair? I`ll try to integrate some growing hair just there above the side-burn area as in the last pic...... what`s your view on what andrei was pointing out.. there might be a bit too much forehead visible? The fourth pic there of the right temple area could give that impression.... I can `tweak`the template a bit there if it needs it. So overall..you reckon I`ll have to go with that size/area of coverage ? Densities....well I`ll give that some thought later ! lol. Paul.
02-16-2011, 03:31 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
It's a tricky one. You're twice my age and have more side hair than me lol. Have you tried concealers on this area? and testing out how well they work in the rain and when you sweat?

The two I recommend are:
1) Dermmatch, mix with freeze hold hairspray not water as they recommend.
2) Toppik, then spray hairspray ontop to keep it locked in.

A possible thing to think about is tattooing the sides, but this would mean you could never shave your head for a bald look.

How well does this template match up with your previous topper template for the front?

Younger guys get carried away and try to have a too low hairline, having recession helps it look natural. What hairstyle would you be going for?

Also how long would you do your reattachments?
02-16-2011, 05:32 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
Thanks for all the detailed info Paul. I took a look at the template making pics and it was a bunch of help to have them as a reference and to see the process. Looking at your pics I think that a fullcap would be a good option for you. Your side hair is a bit thin but not too bad however it looks like you don't have much hair at the back. Have you been having any blending issues?
02-16-2011, 06:13 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
Hi guys... glad you found Snipe`s pics helpful Drew......there is a lot of good advice and tips there for newbies....check it out guys...up top there `` Info links for newbies``.
I`ve not had blending issues really as I have a light density on the system at the back and the length is only 3 inches too...problem is that the growing hair has continued thinning there.... am awaiting a new system with a longer length and a bit denser at the back to `compensate`...will of course post pics after it`s styled in etc. My main problem is when warmer weather arrives [believe it or not the sun actually DOES shine in Ireland from time to time ! lol ] and I`m working outside.....the perspiring causes a real difference to the growing hair..it literally disappears !! The back is the worst .. I just feel like getting the electric shears and lopping the lot off !!! I don`t want to start using concealers again..that`s going backwards to my mind... I used them when I initially started to lose hair... they`re OK for the initial thinning, but after that , you got to accept the fact you`re balding and it will only get worse with time..concealers can `buy`you a little time but after that, it`s system -time. THey very messy anyway ..can`t be having all that hassle again. As for the duration of bond..I`d only go for a week at most....I take off the topper nightly now as you know, but because of the size of a fullcap, it wouldn`t really be practical to de-bond nightly...my scalp tends to be oily so I don`t want that building up on the lace [ not too hygienic] and anyway, it`s best to keep your adhesives `fresh` in order to avoid clean-up issues.Haven`t decided on a style yet--will look at a few sites for hairstyle pics ..probably see one I like and have that replicated.....thanks for the feed-back guys....Paul.
02-16-2011, 06:41 AM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
Heat was an issue when I wore a fullcap. I went on holiday, partying etc and it was a nightmare. I had all lace but my head felt so hot and I got headaches. I probably put too much glue and tape onto, but I needed a fullhead bond for my activities.

I've heard of people doing fullcap daily attachments with gtb glued. Or trying a weaker tape. If you were doing daily attachments I'd say shave it all off, as lining the fc up with your hair will take a bit of time, and worthwhile if it will last you 4-7 days.

I personally found the nape to be issues, first day was fine. But over time, it became itchy and I couldn't wait to rip it off. Alot of people solved the issue of the nape coming loose, by attaching low, on the neck instead of the skull.

Try out different shapes though, if this doesn't work you could try a full full cap. I will always wear hair, so even though a fullcap is hassle, I will make it work. But having as much of your own hair helps. But as I said before, if I was open about people seeing me bald one day and then with a fullcap the next, I would shave it all off. But not everyone is like that.
02-16-2011, 04:28 PM,
RE: Pics/Thin hair/Fullcap Template.
oh I am sorry Paul I didn't have the time to read all the replies but just order 55% no more...use tape and glue and you will look super...if anyone talks you into a higher density piece they need to email me...you could look natuarally thinning with a thin ensity piece but you cannot look natuarally hirsuit with a thicker piece...GO FOR LESS IT WILL BE MORE. GEL

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