12-16-2010, 05:23 PM,
Newbie in Orlando (photo)
Hello everyone, before I tell you my story, I wanted to take a brief moment to thank all of you on this forum. Although I just had my account activated, I have been roaming around here for quite some time and it never seizes to amaze me regarding the amount of support everyone here has for one another. Whether you agree or disagree with something, you share your two cents but fot the most part with good intentions. The reality is that you get no economic value out of this, maybe a few thank you’s here and there, but mainly, you just take time out of your lives to extend a helping hand to another person whom you’ve never met yet share a common bond with. Anyways, I didn’t mean to sound so sappy, but it’s the truth, and I’m certainly man enough to appreciate it.
I have made the decision of trying out a system simply because a hair transplant just doesn’t seem like a viable option for me. Frankly, I haven’t seen the results with it that I have with some systems. The expense and time it actually takes to see “IF” it even worked simply doesn’t work for me at this time. I’m a poor law school student and just thinking about the potential scarring and all those things isn’t enough to persuade me to try it…keep in mind, I’m only saying that it’s not for me, if you have the money and you can do it and it works for you, Awesome!
Although it is tough to get around the thought process of actually “wearing a piece,” I finally realized that it can’t possibly be any worse than wearing the concealers that I have for the past six years or so. I mean, the way I look at it, If I’m willing to walk around law school with a bunch of black powder on top of my head (or like on some emergency situations, have actually used black erasable markers on my crown to help disguise reality), then I think wearing a system simply can’t be a step down, perhaps a parallel step, but definitely not down.
Frankly guys, I’m tired of it, I’m tired of my heart skipping two beats every time I see a cloud in the sky and I’m out with friends walking from a pub to another and hoping that no rain comes down. Or not being able to wear white shirts because girls will pick what I call “black dandruff”(Toppik) from my t-shirts. I understand that wearing a system is not an all perfect solution which will relieve me of all my hair loss problems, I’m sure it will come with its own set of obstacles, but guys, I think I’m ready to give it a try. I’ve seen plenty enough people on here and other forums swear by it and I think I’m ready to make that leap…
Honestly, I want to take control of my life back, and this is has effected me for way too long now.
I think that I may be able to prolong actually getting one until May (maybe) which is when school lets out, but I would like to be able to have everything in hand by then, and then ready to take the plunge….that way make a smooth transition for the incoming fall semester. This will give me the summer to learn and perfect my new “hair.”
I’ve researched and researched places to buy from and the reality is that you can’t find a forum where you won’t find at least something negative said about each and every supplier out there. Things will happen with any business, but at least from what I’ve read, Toplace seems to always be right in there mentioned in the top lists to purchase from, so I think it’s only fair to give this place a shot….
Anyways, I will be posting up some photos this weekend, and was hoping that you guys would be kind enough to share with me advice that I have seen you share with so many other newbies, and sort of point me in the right direction as to my viable options and your opinions on what I should get…I can’t tell you how much I would appreciate it.
Secondly, I live in Orlando, FL and if there is anybody around this area, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville….heck I’d even drive to Miami if I had to…….. that would be willing to help me get started on this journey, (how to make a template, density, etc...) it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you once again, and I will be posting my pics over the weekend, so I look forward to your comments….
Have a great day,
12-16-2010, 08:37 PM,
RE: Newbie in Orlando
Hi Adventureseeker ---- welcome to the forum and your first post --very nice and informative-- your story is similar to most of us really...you try everything else in desperation, before running out of road and accepting the reality of becoming a wearer...it`s a kind of `natural`progression for people with thinning hair. You`re wise not to go for any of that `surgical`stuff... I`m sure I don`t have to outline the risks / chance you take with the end-result. You are really in a good spot there in Florida----hook up with JRob and you couldn`t be in more experienced hands. Looking forward to your pics and thanks for the nice comments about the forum......best wishes, Paul.
12-17-2010, 07:19 AM,
Posts: 146
Threads: 13
Joined: Oct 2010
RE: Newbie in Orlando (photo)
One question.. would it be difficult to like... wear a (normal-high) density let's say all-lace full cap? what would be the problem (once I can manage good with partials)
12-17-2010, 08:53 AM,
Junior Member
Posts: 32
Threads: 5
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Newbie in Orlando (photo)
Jrob in that picture that toplace posted may I ask if you are using any products in that hair and if so what are they specifically? Thank you.
12-17-2010, 09:35 AM,
RE: Newbie in Orlando (photo)
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses... that photo looks great JRob and yes, I live only a few blocks from downtown so I would be interested to know if you would be able to meet and help me get me started. You guys are right, this forum is FULL of information, but it is just like anything else, at the end of the day, there is nothing like seeing the real thing, or talking directly one on one with somebody that has gone through this whole experience.
I called up one of these places sometimes mentioned on these forums (the youtube videos got me....lol) and setup a meeting about a month ago while they were in town. They were very, very nice ladies, but even though we didn't talk about price at the time because of course I didn't sign any papers; from what I've read in these forums, I was looking to spend a good $3,000. Not to mention, after having their systems in my hands, I have serious doubts that they would end up looking anything close to what the photo of JRob on here did. First of all, that is way too much money for me, and the second, even though they were extremely nice, it is just different to hear somebody talk about a product which they've never worn before. I mean, how can they REALLY know what's it is like, or what the little intricacies of wearing a system involve. Anyways, JRob, let me know how I can get a hold of you or vice versa, I think talking directly with somebody as experienced as you might help my initial steps into this....
Thanks guys, and once again, I will post my photos over the weekend...
12-17-2010, 08:57 PM,
RE: Newbie in Orlando (photo)
Adventurer.... I have JRob`s e mail ..if you want it just send me a mail to martrans@utvinternet.com and I`ll send it back...... I can receive mail at that address but cannot send from it, so will reply from my ``Yahoo`` account. I don`t want to put his address up publicly without his permission.
Younggun...the picture is JRob wearing his full cap .... he uses all -lace bases.The density of it shouldn`t present any particular issues apart from maybe having more knots, which some people say they can feel..... I don`t think you have to consider wearing full-caps for a long time yet anyway, judging by the pic you posted lately. Paul.